Alumni Volunteers Needed!
Your help is needed! Please consider volunteering for one of the following opportunities:
- Cellcom Marathon: Looking for alumni to volunteer at our water station in the Green Bay Cellcom Marathon on Sunday, May 21. This is a volunteer opportunity you do not want to miss! It is so much fun! Volunteers typically start at 8:30 a.m. and are done by 11:30 a.m. To sign up to volunteer, visit Cellcom volunteer.
- Commencement Receiving Line: Congratulate and welcome our newest graduates to the Alumni Association by volunteering for the Commencement receiving line. It is easy and fun! Arrive at the Kress Events Center by 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 13, 2017, to claim your FREE Rock the Resch t-shirt and stand in line with fellow alums to cheer on UWGB’s spring 2017 graduating class. To volunteer, sign up at Commencement Receiving Line.Questions, contact Director of Alumni Relations Kari Moody at 920-465-226 or by Wednesday, May 10.
- Needed, volunteers to help with 37th Annual Scholarship Golf Outing, June 9: Last year we raised $23,000 for UWGB scholarships and this year we are working to increase that in our support of students. Check out our many volunteer opportunities here and help us support UW-Green Bay students.