Alumni Association Outing Raises $9,000 for Scholarships!
The weather, the camaraderie and the purpose (scholarships!) provided a near perfect atmosphere for the 33rd Annual UWGB Scholarship Golf Outing held on Friday, June 7. With 31 foursomes, golfers took over Royal Scot Golf Course for a day of fun and fundraising! Golfer attendance and sponsorships were up, a great bucket raffle and silent auction were offered and golfers participated in the putting contest as well as purchased mulligans to improve their scores. Because of this, more than $9,000 was raised for scholarships at UWGB! We call that a ‘swinging’ success!
On a competitive note, low gross team was a foursome from Schenck which included Heather Ryczek, Seth Kabat, Greg Metzler and Andrew Branam. Low net team was a foursome from Baker Tilly which included Amanda Larson, Arielle Krause, Ben Garrity and Tom Whalen. Mike Caylor won the putting contest. Pat Przybelski had the women’s longest drive with the short club, Aaron Caylor had the men’s longest drive with the short club, Jason Willems had the men’s closest in one, Kelly Shepro had the women’s closest in one, Jeff Thielen and Danny Schulz had the longest putt on different holes, Amanda Larson had the women’s longest drive and Rick Heesaker had the men’s longest drive. Congratulations to all of our winners!
Next year’s goal is to raise $15,000 and fill the outing. We hope you’ll help us so watch for more information.