‘Pick Your Trip:’ You don’t want to miss this raffle!
Get ready to pick your trip! The Alumni Association is raising money for scholarships at UW-Green Bay through the UW-Green Bay Alumni “Pick your Trip” Raffle. Tickets are $20/ticket and only 1,000 tickets will be sold! The raffle prize winner will pick a concert, theatre event or regular season sporting event within the United States to attend. Winner receives round-trip transportation to the event, two nights hotel accommodations and two tickets to the event of his/her choice. The drawing will occur Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 1 p.m. One winner will be drawn at the end of the Green Bay Women’s basketball game played against UW-Milwaukee at the Kress Events Center. Need not be present to win. To purchase a ticket, contact an Alumni Association Board of Directors member or visit the UW-Green bay Advancement Office (Cofrin Library 805, 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311) during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Questions may be directed to Director of Alumni Relations Kari Moody at moodyk@uwgb.edu.
UW-Green Bay Alumni “Pick your Trip” Raffle rules:
Total prize maximum is $5,000 (prize excludes championships and playoff games). UW-Green Bay Alumni Association will secure round-trip transportation, hotel accommodations and event tickets and will deliver tickets in person or via mail to the winner. At least six weeks must be provided to the UW-Green Bay Alumni Association to purchase tickets and arrange trip. The Association will make its best effort to purchase winner’s preferred event tickets but is not responsible if tickets sell out. Prize must be redeemed within one year of winning (February 2, 2020). Lic. #R0012949A