Infectious Diseases and Environment: Waterborne Diseases

When referencing the environment, there are several diseases that could result from contamination in some way. Waterborne diseases, in particular, are a great example. Typically, many develop from human and animal waste. What is concerning is clear water can still contain pollutants. For instance, water can contain metal, which can lead to organ damage and birth defects.

An individual suffering from a waterborne disease may experience several symptoms such as fever, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. However, each disease can produce different symptoms and can last longer than others. In addition, individuals receive specific treatments based on the disease. Therefore, it is extremely important to receive early treatment.


Although it is categorized as extremely rare, cholera should not be taken lightly. It is so serious that healthy individuals can die in a matter of hours. What begins as an infection within the small intestines, results in severe diarrhea and dehydration and can lead to shock and seizures. It typically affects those who have consumed contaminated water or food. Cholera is mostly present in areas such as Africa, Asia, and Hati and affects Individuals who live in crowded conditions. In order to prevent waterborne diseases, specifically cholera, it is important to continue to improve sanitation throughout the world.


Amoebiasis can be described as a parasitic infection that affects the colon and is obtained through contaminated food and water. Typically, this infection is most prevalent in tropical areas. As a matter of fact, travelers are recommended to avoid water and food within these areas. Affected individuals may experience symptoms including fever, bloody stools, and nausea and vomiting. However, when referencing amoebiasis, not all individuals who are affected become sick and most symptoms begin within two to 15 days. Therefore, it is important to monitor symptoms closely. To prevent amoebiasis, individuals can wash fruits and vegetables before eating, drink bottled water, and limit dairy products.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A caused by the hepatitis A virus and can be contracted from the stool of another individual, contaminated water, and physical contact with an infected person. An affected individual may experience diarrhea, dark urine, and abdominal pain. Although it differs for each individual, the illness can last from anywhere from two weeks to three months. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor and receive treatment if necessary. In today’s society, there is a vaccination for the disease that is recommended for ages one and older. In order to prevent hepatitis A, individuals should avoid eating raw oysters and shellfish and individuals should get vaccinated.


Malaria is a significant water born illness in terms of human-disease interaction. It is spread by the bites of female Anopheles mosquitos infected with the malaria parasite. Symptoms of this disease include high fevers, violent shakes, intense flu-like symptoms, and if left untreated death. According to the CDC, 216 million people became ill due to the Anopheles mosquito in 2016. Of those 216 million, 445,000 people were unable to beat this treatable disease and lost their lives. The majority of recorded deaths were children in the African region. The United States is not immune to Malaria’s effects. Every year travelers go on vacation to sub-Saharan Africa or South Asia and put themselves at risk of contracting malaria and bringing it back home with them. As a result, there are up to 1,700 documented cases of Malaria in the US every year. Treatment includes any one of the antimalarial drugs on the market today. However, it is important for physicians to determine where and when the disease was contracted in order to ensure the parasite is not immune to the drugs prescribed.

Typhoid & Paratyphoid Fever

Typhoid and Paratyphoid fever are bacterial diseases that spread through the ingestion of feces particles. Those who are currently ill are able to spread the disease and one in twenty people who recover are still carriers of the disease. Typhoid fever is preventable by means of vaccination whereas paratyphoid fever is not preventable. The distinction between the two diseases comes down to the type of bacteria ingested. Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella Typhi and paratyphoid fever is due to the ingestion of Salmonella Paratyphi. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever effect a combined 27 million people every single year according to the CDC. Those who travel to countries such as India, Bangladesh, or Pakistan should take extreme care in ensuring their drinking water goes through proper sanitation, the most common form of contraction. However, neither disease is common in the United States unless travelers contract either disease and bring it home to the states.

Giardia & Giardiasis

Giardiasis is an infection caused by the parasitic organism Giardia that lives in the digestive tract. Giardia causes intestinal distress in the form of extremely severe diarrhea leading to deadly dehydration. Symptoms typically take anywhere from one to three weeks to develop with the infection lasting anywhere from two to six weeks; those with a weaker immune system may experience a longer period of symptoms. Giardia is one of the most common waterborne infections in the United States and can be found in every state. To minimize the risk of Giardia infection, avoid swimming in and drinking questionable sources of water in addition to washing hands after using the restroom. If Giardia is contracted it can be treated with a range of medications from a healthcare provider.

Cryptosporidium & Cryptosporidiosis (“Crypto”)

Cryptosporidiosis is a disease caused by the microscopic, single-celled parasite Cryptosporidium – both are often called “Crypto” for short. Crypto causes watery diarrhea in the host as well as symptoms that go along with that such as cramps and dehydration. After exposure to Crypto, it typically takes anywhere from two to ten days for symptoms to appear. Crypto can be found in every region throughout the United States as well as the world. The most common way for Crypto to be contracted is through the accidental ingestion of recreational water, for example, pool water. Crypto is known to spread through this outlet because a unique outer covering that has a naturally high ability to withstand sanitation by chlorination. Treatment for Crypto is not usually necessary, a healthy immune system with see symptoms lasting one to two weeks before getting better. However, it is recommended to stay hydrated and avoid consuming things that contain diuretics such as caffeine; over the counter, anti-diarrhea medicines are also available.

What is currently being done to prevent waterborne diseases? 

Water continues to be one of the world’s most valuable resources due to its many uses such as drinking, recreation, and industry. Although we advocate for safe, adequate water, we still struggle to do so. In 2010, the CDC’s Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch (WDPB) was created to work towards clean water and prevent hygiene-related diseases. With the help of WDPB, we can now track waterborne disease, investigate causes, and work towards prevention. While this is a step in the right direction, nationally, individuals need to recognize the severity of waterborne illnesses. Therefore, individuals must work together and practice basic hygiene to provide adequate sanitation.

Citations (Waterborne Diseases – Trysten Hazen, Noah Petersen, Barret Kesselring)

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