“As I did my background research on universities to work at, UWGB stood out from the rest because of the many positive changes it’s undergone in the last few years, the beautiful campus, and the University’s dedication to the community. I was very excited to read about UWGB’s sustainability credentials in the form of EMBI and its nick from years ago, “Eco-U”. Additionally, there are faculty across the university engaged in high quality research, the school is a great size and growing steadily, with a wonderfully diverse group of faculty, staff, and students. UWGB affords me the opportunity to have a balanced approach towards my home life and my work in teaching, research, service, and administration. Over the last few years, Green Bay has become my home- I am grateful to finally have reached a place where I am fortunate to be working with wonderful faculty, excellent staff, and amazing students.”
Vallari Chandna