The newest descendants of the Mimi and Rupert dynasty would like to return to the nest, please. (Photo: UWGB News and Marketing)
The signs of spring have arrived at UWGB. On our Green Bay campus, Peregrine falcons nest atop the David A Cofrin Library. One pair of falcons began nesting there in 2017 to lay eggs and teach their fledglings to fly. This first falcon couple was named “Mimi” and “Rupert,” and their descendants have now brought three new fledglings into the world.
Through the falcon cam , UW-Green Bay students, staff, and nature lovers all over the planet can enjoy and encourage the growth of this delicate species. (You can even help name the new chicks each year.)

Mimi & Rupert Books, an imprint of the Teaching Press at UW-Green Bay. Logo designed by Samantha Vondrum.
Mimi and Rupert’s annual return inspired the name of our first imprint at The Teaching Press, Mimi & Rupert Books. What is an imprint? you may ask. An imprint is a division of publishing dedicated to specific projects. Mimi & Rupert Books interlace art and words, voice and image, into finely crafted, collaborative and inspiring stories. Continue reading