Supersize me class

I can’t believe that it is already the start of week 3. I think that week 2 went better than the first week. Most of the students seem to be taking notes and paying attention (so far). The students also seem to feel a little more relaxed than in week 1. I noticed that more students are actively participating when Dr.Gurung asks questions. Some of them even seem to have read the chapter before coming to class (at least I am assuming because they answer questions that have not been discussed yet).

 However I have noticed that students sitting further back do not pay as much attention. There are some that insist on having their labtops out or are on their phone. I think trying to get these people to sit closer to the front would be beneficial for them.  Also I find it very distracting when sitting in back to see students on their phones, throwing pencils in the air during the entire class period, and not taking any notes.

Well besides for those few students things seem to be going pretty well. Thursday was pretty cool. Dr.Gurung was away on business so the Teacher’s assistants had to take over the class. I thought that the students would try to use this situation to their advantage by goofing off more but that was not the case. It was surprising to see how much respect they had for us. We did give in a little bit by turning all the lights off (we were told to keep some of them on) but they told us they wouldn’t fall asleep and they would pay attention. Surprisingly they actually paid attention and I don’t think anyone fell asleep lol. Things went a lot smoother than I had thought they would go. Almost everyone turned in their completed in-class assignment for the movie too.

Having the professor gone for the class period turned out to be okay. It was a enjoyable experience. It made me think about different career choices that I haven’t thought about too. Maybe being a professor is in my future (if I can get over my fear of public speaking lol).

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