Last Day–>good!

The last day of class went by really fast! I think that it was a good idea to start off the class finishing off Freud and then doing the class evaluations. That way, they had the gears going in their minds so they could concentrate more on the answers. Like Prof. Gurung said, it’s good to do different things throughout a class, to keep students’ attention. I also thought it was a really good idea to leave the disorders/therapies until the end of the semester. A lot of times, it’s hard to concentrate at the end of a semester, and doing disorders, which is exciting, def. caught a lot of students’ attentions.

A lot more students attended class the last day than I expected to. In other courses that day, there were sometimes HALF the students that usually attend. I’m not sure what the head count was the last day, but it def. wasn’t bad!

I received the e-mail from prof. Gurung about some of the comments students had about the TAs. I glad that the students thought we did a good job. I’m not sure what the situation was with the Dev. TAs they compared us to. I’ve had TAs in the past that just sit in the front every class, and barely interact/speak to the class. I’m glad that Gurung pushed us to interact with the students and speak in front of them by ourselves. Overall, the last day went well, nothing too crazy, but a good finish to a fun semester! 😀

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