The last blog :(

This semester as a TA has been a great experience. I think overall this semester went great. Like every class a few things went wrong like the computer turning off and such. I did not take psychology, let alone any other class with Dr. G, so I had no idea what to expect. I had never had a professor that tried learning names in such a big class, or that responded to emails so fast. It truly shows that the professor cares about the students and their success in his or class.
As a TA I learned what it was like to be on the other side of the classroom. I had no idea that professors worried about certain things like attendance. It also changed my opinion on using books on online tests, texting in class, and attending class. A lot of effort is put in to make sure the students are learning and not just memorizing.
TAing also gave me the opportunity to kind of get over my fear of public speaking, having to give a lecture and do review sessions. I never knew how hard it was to motivate the students to talk and ask questions. It truly gave me a different perspective.
If anything should be taken from this experience it would be that good teachers are an abundance, great teachers are rare and excellent teachers are one in a million. And the students this semester had an excellent teachers. The students in this intro to psychology class should acknowledge how hard Dr. G. tries and how much effort is put into every lecture. After all they did have an award winning professor.
Of my entire college career so far being a TA was probably my favorite part. I’m glad that I did it and I am glad that Dr. Gurung was my professor. I could not think of a better experiecne to end my time at the University of Wisconsin-Greeen Bay.

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