Almost half way through..

On Tuesday Dr. G went over some of the exam. Explaining some of the trends and details. Like that most of the questions that were missed were textbook questions. And that they need to learn that there is a best answer,  it helps make the question harder. This day was also full of questions and comments. Attendance to be the same as it was before the test, around 205. Which is weird considering the test scores.

On Thursday there were a lot of people coming in late. Most of which had no good excuses. Attendance looked about the same again. In the meeting after a lot was discussed. We are setting up review sessions and study tables. It was also brought up how much of a test should be strictly textbook material. I thought it was interesting that the TA’s thought more of the test should be textbook only than the professor. Apparently we would be OK with a hard test. This could also be the reason why we are TA’s. We try hard at our studies. We also discussed the comment made about the student who left early but had an excuse. I understood that Dr. G  wanted to make a point that he had an excuse to leave since he makes comments on everyone else leaving early. It was somewhat necessary because of where the student was sitting. If you know you are leaving early you sit by a door not in the middle of the room.

We also decided on topics in the meeting. Attendence and Facebook are the top two.

I cannot believe how fast this semester is going. It is almost have gone. Crazy!!!

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