Final Blog

It is hard to believe that an entire semester has passed already! Reflecting on the semester as a whole, I see that not only have I developed, but the students have as well. I have grown primarily in my confidence. Having a group of students rely on you for answers and leadership really helps assure you that you do know what is going on! Leading review sessions, giving a short lecture, and just being a presence in class everyday lets the students know that I am someone that they can count on for information and help when and if needed. My confidence especially sky-rocketed after the lecture we were required to give. After that experience, I had the mentality of “WOW! If I can do that, I can literally do ANYTHING!”

From being “behind the scenes” I have come to a new appreciation of everything my professors do to prepare for class. So much time, thought and effort go into making an entire class period successful, that I have never really thought about all that needs to go into them. I have also learned what a pain grading can be and having been in the postiion to insert grades I have now have found myself to be much more patient with big classes and in awe of teachers who are able to get it all done in a day or two, corrected, posted and passed back.

The TA role gave me insight into many things I had never had cross my mind. When I skip class, what is the real reason I am skipping? Just knowing everything that goes on without many students awareness is probably the biggest thing I have taken away. Things that the professor focuses attention on, that most students won’t give a second thought. This experience was something I would never trade, it was probably one of the most challenging things I have done, but I have learned so many important things, including that I can push myself really hard and jump feet first into something completely intimidating and come out unscathed!

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