Become a RecycleManiac!

Recyclemania is here!! Get ready for some friendly competition with other colleges and universities in North America and Canada (513 to be exact), as we all work to see who can do the best job reducing, reusing and recycling. During the eight weeks of February 5 – March 31, we’ll be having our waste hauler record the amount of waste and recycling removed from our campus. That volume is converted to weights and entered in the RecycleMania database for all to see … and compare our progress against other schools!

In Wisconsin, the following schools are competing in RecycleMania: College of the Menominee Nation, Madison Area Technical College, Saint Norbert College, UW – Eau Claire, UW – LaCrosse, UW – Milwuakee, UW – Oshkosh, UW – Plattville, UW – River Falls, UW – Stevens Point, UW – Stout, UW – Whitewater, and Western Technical College. How will UWGB fare against this competition?

The goal, of course, is to both reduce the amount of ‘stuff’ we throw out in the trash by thinking before we buy AND if we do need to discard something AND it is recyclable, to put it in the appropriate recycling bin.

Stay tuned for events happening the week of February 27th and check back here for updates on our progress and status.

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