Five Tips Every Successful Website Designer Follows

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Whenever it comes to the design of websites, there are a plethora of different styles and directions that you can take your website in. Your website can look anything from sophisticated to simple, from childlike and colourful to sleek and modern.

The appearance and vibe of your final product should reflect your own style, the nature of the job you do, and the character of your business. A good web design contributes to the user experience and functionality of your website while also being straightforward and simple to grasp at first glance. 

The list that follows consists of five simple ideas that can be of assistance to you as you work toward becoming a more capable website designer. In addition, while you are working on the design of your website, you may make use of the resources provided by a Cargo Registry to get further expertise about the storage and distribution of images and software (they may be useful throughout the process of designing websites, especially your images).

Stay away from Complex Colors Patterns 

It is simple to go to extremes when it comes to colour since there are so many lovely tones and tints available. When you put too many colours too close to each other, the visual cacophony that results overpowers the rest of the web design, even though many designers like to use bright and striking colour schemes.

Maintain a straightforward colour scheme and use unobtrusive tones for the backdrop. Instances of colour, such as those seen on call-to-action buttons, menu items, or other design components, are able to stand out against a backdrop that is subdued and get the attention that is due to them as a result. There are times when all you need is a simple black, white, or neutral background.

Invest Time and Effort in the Images You Use

The images used in the layout of a website design have a significant influence on the overall appearance and sensation evoked by the website. Images that are improperly taken, have poor focus, and have dubious composition may make even the most brilliant ideas seem less impressive. When generic stock photos are used instead of original images, a design may seem dull and uninspired.

Improving the appearance of your designs may be as easy as including high-quality photographs.

If you like to use stock photos, you can choose from a large number of high-quality options that are currently available. However, you shouldn’t just throw them into your designs without any modification. Be sure to crop them and make any necessary edits. Make the images fit better with the web design by using filters, adjusting the saturation, changing the warmth, increasing the contrast, and using other image editing methods.

In addition, you should check to see that the images you select are appropriate for use in conjunction with the material that they will be displayed alongside. If a picture has absolutely no bearing on the area into which it is being inserted, then you may have to look for another that is a better match for the textual material.

Last but not least, be mindful of the file formats you’re working with. Be familiar with the JPG and PNG file formats and their differences. Implementing the right file formats could make a big difference in how quickly your web pages load.

Implement Fully Responsive Designs

There is a wide variety of hardware available, and each of these options has a screen of a different size. Your website design should provide a consistent user experience regardless of the device it is being viewed on or how it is being accessed by a visitor. It is preferable to spend time working to improve the user interface and user experience for everyone rather than devoting a significant amount of effort to creating unnecessarily complicated animations and hover effects that may not function on all devices.

If you follow the basic rules of responsive design and put them into practice, your website will have to be easy to use and work well on both mobile and desktop.

Moreover, we understand that you did not study web design to be plagued with search engine optimization. However, the way you put together a site design may have a significant influence on SEO.

Maintain the Same Typeface Throughout

When we pick up a book to read, we have the preconceived notion that every page will adhere to some kind of predetermined order. The text will be set with actual spacing and will replicate in the same format each time. It will also be the same size. Reading through the pages of a book is made more enjoyable because of this sense of continuity, which keeps us interested in what we are doing.

In a similar manner, the typography that is used in the design of a website needs to have a sense of order and consistency throughout. When moving from one page to the next on a website, the formatting of design elements must remain consistent. In addition, the margins, line spacing, size, colour, and weight of each individual type of content should be consistent with one another.

In our opinion, it’s a good idea to include a page with a universal style manual when you create a new website. When you do this, you can ensure that the typography is constant throughout the entire website design.

Be Familiar with the Fundamentals of Website Design

Talented designers know design principles well enough that they can make decisions based on their gut feelings.

Make it a priority to educate yourself on the foundations of user interface design, user experience, typography, composition, and colour theory. Knowledge of visual hierarchy, the fundamentals of Gestalt theory, and the golden ratio are all essential. Dive into the more intellectual aspects of design so that you can apply what you’ve learned to your own work

Tutoring While In School: Tips For Becoming A Better Tutor

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Tutoring is one of the best jobs to have while in school. To be a successful university student, you have to juggle exams, classes, and general life responsibilities and find a balance between them all. Taking a full course load might require you to spend several days of the week on campus. With such a busy schedule, it may not be feasible to add an eight-hour shift job to your plate. So, many college students looking for jobs choose tutoring because of the flexible hours since they’ll be able to make money and still focus on their coursework. 

As a tutor, you can offer face-to-face lessons or online classes. Many online tutoring companies use K-12 translation to provide lessons and assessments for non-English speaking students. Generally, tutoring pays better than many other part-time retail jobs. This is because tutoring is a professional specialty field, not a service job, so the education and employment history requirements are usually higher than the typical retail jobs. Besides the financial benefits, tutoring gives college students the opportunity to practice, improve their skills, and refresh on the subjects they might otherwise have forgotten. 

Furthermore, tutoring would look great on a college student’s resume when they are applying for jobs or postgraduate education. This is because being a tutor proves that a person has the skills to clearly explain concepts and state instructions in a concise and understandable way. Tutors usually need to alter their teaching methods based on their students’ peculiar learning styles. This flexibility shows potential employers that a person can be innovative in tackling situations.

Also, tutoring is an incredibly rewarding experience. You feel satisfied when you are able to successfully teach someone and have them practice, retain, and master a concept. Knowing that you were able to directly influence a student with a C average and help them move to an A can be a huge self-esteem booster for you. Being part of such a lasting positive difference in a person’s life is something to be proud of. The following tips will show you how to become a better tutor.

  1. Prepare for Your Lessons

Before your lessons, take time to prepare your teaching plans or agendas. A clear study plan makes tutoring sessions more effective, and since you’ll have a definite purpose, your classes will have direction from the beginning. Your student’s grades will likely improve because each session achieves a specific aim and tackles the areas in which your student needs to improve.

Brush up your knowledge on the topics you plan to cover in your upcoming sessions so you can master the subject areas. When you have a lesson plan and you’re knowledgeable about what you intend to teach, you’ll be confident in your ability to explain the material to your student.   

  1. Communicate Effectively

Effective communication helps you get your message across to your student. Communication is crucial for learning because it creates an open dialogue that allows you to understand your student’s needs and figure out the best ways to ensure they make active progress. To be a good communicator, you need to improve on your speaking and learn how to listen actively.   

Active listening is essential for rapport building, and it helps you understand what your student is saying. So, direct your attention toward your students when they’re talking, maintain eye contact, watch their body language, and take notes of important points. 

Consider giving a short review of their points after they finish talking and ask for clarification where needed. Remember, each student is unique and may express themselves differently. So, it’s essential to learn how your student speaks so you can understand them better. If necessary, change your questions to suit the specific communication style.       

  1. Improve Your Teaching Skills

Strengthen your ability to deliver knowledge to your student in a way that’s easily understandable. When you teach well, it will be much easier for your students to apply the knowledge they acquire. To be a good teacher, you must be self-confident so that you don’t come across as disorganized, unprepared, or nervous. Have a positive mindset, believing that with the right preparation, you can address any challenge you face easily. Also, approach your student with patience and remain respectful and calm in any situation. 

Consider updating yourself on the latest developments in education. There are various teaching methods today, such as collaborative learning, spaced learning, self-learning, and crossover learning. You can apply any of these modern teaching styles in your tutoring sessions.     

Which Resume Template Is the Best for Students?

Resume templates are a great way to make your resume writing process easier. Resume templates ensure that you don’t have to create your resume outline from scratch. Instead, you can just complete the resume with all your information, filling in the existing sections and making your resume writing much simpler. 

However, the best templates for resume writing will vary depending on what type of job you’re trying to get and what type of experience you have. Here are 4 types of resume templates that you might find helpful as a student.

  1. A Template That Focuses on Your Academic Achievements

The first type of beneficial template is one that’s built specifically to focus on your academic achievements. Some types of student templates may draw specific attention to the academic achievements you’ve already received, such as a high GPA, student awards like Student of the Year and the Dean’s List, or national student awards in your field.

If you have these academic achievements, especially if you have a lot of them, a template that celebrates those achievements can be a great way to show them off to a hiring manager. You may want to steer towards one of these if you’re going into a field where academic rigor is exceptionally praised and you have a lot of academic achievements.

  1. A Template That Focuses on Your Skills

Skills are another way you can prove to a hiring manager that you’re the right person for a specific job. Even if you have very little work experience, you have skills, including both soft skills, which you may have built on your own time, and hard skills, which you may have built through your college education.

Focusing on these skills can be a great way to move away from the fact that you may not have a lot of work experience. Most commonly, you’ll find this type of template associated with a functional resume format, which puts your skills front and center. You may be able to list up to about a dozen skills with this type of resume, making it great for skills-based individuals.

  1. A Template That Focuses on Volunteer and Academic Work

Even if you’ve never held a job in your field, you may still have relevant experience through volunteer and academic work. Volunteer work that you may have done during college or even high school can be an effective way to build an experience base that you can draw from.

One of the reasons this can be so beneficial is that working as a volunteer can show a strong character that a hiring manager may be very interested in. The work ethic required to put your time and energy toward a job where you’re not getting paid can look great on your resume.

  1. A Template That’s Best for Your Specific Industry

If you’re going into a specific industry, such as computer science, graphic design, or teaching, you may want to look for a template that’s suited to that industry. Templates that many people in a specific industry use will showcase all the experience and skills necessary for that industry, which can help you move forward in getting the job.

To use this effectively, it’s a good idea to look at multiple resumes from your industry. Don’t just look at one or two resumes and assume you understand what templates are best. Look at a number of different examples and build yours as a conglomeration of them.


Students can often benefit from a resume that tends to downplay their work experience and emphasize their skills and academic achievements. However, if you have a lot of academic and volunteer work, you may be able to emphasize that and discover many benefits. These 4 types of resumes work well for different students, so do your own research and discover which will work best for you.

5 Best Furry Friends for College Students

If you’re in college and looking for a pet to keep you company, you’re definitely not alone. There are many people who want to have a small furry friend as part of their college experience, but may not be able to keep a larger pet, such as a dog. Especially if you’re currently living in a dorm or an apartment with strict rules about keeping a furry friend, here are five great animals that you might be able to keep instead.

1. Hamsters

Hamsters are an extremely popular small pet. They’re very easy to look after, and while they’re solitary and therefore happy to live on their own, many hamsters are very sociable and enjoy being handled as well. They’re a great pet for college students who may not be allowed to have larger pets, but are very interested in keeping a smaller pet in a dormitory or apartment.

2. Cats

Especially if you’re not living in a dormitory or are living somewhere with less strict rules, a cat can be a great middle ground between a larger pet and a smaller one. Many cats are fairly solitary, but are still sociable, and they’re also incredibly clean. Plus, depending on the cat’s temperament, they may also be very quiet animals.

3. Rabbits

Rabbits don’t require a lot of room and are generally happy to stay in a fairly small cage. They’re very quiet, extremely affectionate, and bond strongly with their owners. Just remember that rabbits tend to live between 8-12 years, so when you buy a rabbit, you’re signing up to care for it for much longer than just your college experience.

4. Fancy Rats or Fancy Mice

So-called “fancy rats” and “fancy mice” are rats and mice that are bred purely for the sake of keeping them as pets. Rats are very social and intelligent animals, and you can even litter train rats if you’re interested in keeping them as clean as possible. Because they’re so quiet and calm, you may also want to buy multiple rats, as they will keep each other company in their cage.

5. Chinchillas

While chinchillas may seem like more of an exotic animal, they’re a great pet, and the maintenance costs are fairly low. You will usually just need food and water, as well as small toys that they can often chew on for long periods of time. Chinchillas are very clean and don’t smell, making them a perfect pet for any dormitories that might allow small animals, but could require you to get rid of your pet if they’re a nuisance to others around them.


Pets can be very helpful for a college student, both in allowing them to have some amount of companionship at home and in helping them maintain a sense of stability with something else outside of them. However, if you’re planning to buy a pet as a college student, it’s important that you make sure your pet will be happy and healthy in a dormitory or apartment as you go to college. All five of these animals make great pets for college students, with many of them working well for a dormitory situation. Remember to look up vets in the area where you’ll be studying, searching around for terms like “Best vets in Wisconsin” before you buy a pet.

Developing Mobile 3D Games Doesn’t Start and End With Technicalities, But Creative Insight

Mix parlay There are in-numerous mobile 3D games flooding the industry some of which can proclaim to be on par with international standards of gaming, but in terms of popularity, what gives a particular game that edge over others becoming viral and the chief topic of discussion among the global fraternity of gamer who can make or break a game.

What does it take to make a 3D game?

To explore the entire process of 3D game development, the technical aspects are easy enough for all to see. Effect a search on Google and a world of technical data will be at your fingertips concerning the very process of coding and technicalities used by any good mobile game development company.

It is the extension of this technical process that is important for every developer to understand. You may be a technical genius in languages such as Java, HTML and of course the all encompassing UNITY but unless you don’t understand how to implement such knowledge in terms of user experience, your work will always be futile for any company.

The five steps of mobile 3D games development and manner of implementation

1. Requirement and groundwork

2. Development

3. Design

4. Quality

5. Delivery

It should be the most basic norm of any team working in a game development company to correctly evaluate the feasibility of an idea. The creative aspect of any fantastic gaming concept needs to possess enough room to address both factors of user interest and profit. How lucrative can your game be is just as important as its creative popularity.

The development process, how do you look at it?

During the development process of mobile 3D games one needs to be cautious enough to understand every element of coding so that you can zero in on the best possible platform to develop your game. Currently UNITY 3D is one of the most powerful cross platform environments being used to develop 3D games for mobiles as well as laptops and tablets. Always ensure a draft and never forget to incorporate level design and UI elements that would never require a user to face any sort of glitches in your games.

Acquiring feedback from quality teams and colleagues is imperative for any game development company, but above all, never perceive your game in terms of a technical entity just concerned with developing and completing the final product. You need to view your game development strategy as if you were a user yourself so that you know what you would expect in overall experience.

Optical and visual factors of design

Most factors of Game design do not address the substances of visual and optical appeasement. A stunning game isn’t one with packed graphics and functions so jumbled to confuse a gamer. You need to possess an eye for visually appealing optics to create a game design that will amaze a user as well as make it functional and viable for easy use.

The quality of a game should involve five factors:

Technical excellence

100% percent functionality

Awesome creative concepts

Visual appeal

Lucrative feasibility for profit

When a mobile game development company has addressed all of these factors discussed, then truly you will have created a stunning and viral game

Professional Moving Out cleaning services: Thing to do


Do you want to start your own cleaning company? The cleaning industry is diverse. Why not specialize in one area, such as an apartment move out cleaning service? This type of business could be extremely profitable, but who would start it? Apartment cleaning is simply the process of cleaning and preparing the apartment for the next occupant. This type of cleaning service is frequently confused with residential or home cleaning. However, keep in mind that they are two distinct concepts. In most cases, apartment cleaning entails cleaning an apartment immediately after a tenant vacates it before another one moves in. You may be contacted to clean an apartment for other reasons, but move-out cleanings are the most commonly requested service.

If you intend to move out in the coming months and want the owner to return your bond money in full, you should seriously consider the Move out Cleaning Services NYC available in your area. When you rent or lease a home, you are required to pay an amount as damage security to the owner at the time you move in. This bond enables the property owners to make any necessary repairs or cleaning after you leave their property. However, if you want the owner to return the full amount, you must keep the house neat and clean in order to make him happy.

This type of cleaning service can be profitable for a variety of reasons. One of the numerous reasons is the market. Apartment complexes or units, as well as multi-family homes, can be found all over the place. Depending on where you live, you may have unlimited access to them. Most landlords will thoroughly clean their apartments before a new tenant moves in. A newly cleaned apartment makes the available rental appear more appealing to potential renters. Many small-time property owners prefer to clean on their own, but the majority prefers to hire the assistance and expertise of a professional. Apartment move out cleaning service is not only a simple task if you plan everything out in advance. Simply put, the cleaner cleans the house methodically, receives payment, and leaves a fresh-smelling, tidy apartment.

Things to do after you move in:

To begin, make a list of all the items that are present inside the house when you move in, as well as the fixtures such as walls, doors, windows, and carpets. Include a description of the items’ original condition in the checklist as well. You should also record a detailed evidence video, which will assist you in restoring the house to its original condition before you leave.

Things to do before leaving:

Before you leave the house, check for broken items and replace them all. If you fail to replace items such as light fixtures or missing screws, it is very likely that your property owner will deduct a large portion of your initial deposit for these minor issues. If the house has wall-to-wall carpeting, you’ll have to choose between hiring a professional cleaner and doing it yourself. This decision would be simple if you compared the current condition of the carpet to its original state. When making this decision, you should aim to restore it to its original state.

You must also inspect the walls to see if they have any stains. Because of their direct visibility, stained walls can be a major issue. Make sure to remove wall stains gently to avoid eroding the paint, as this will result in a significant loss of bond money. After you’ve finished cleaning, double-check the ovens and refrigerators. Refrigerator seals must be in good working order, and ovens must be clean enough to use. These checks will increase the chances of receiving the full bond amount.


If you have a limited budget and cannot afford to hire a professional end-of-lease cleaner, you should begin planning for the Move out Cleaning Services NYC in advance.

Top 10 tourist attractions in Aswan

1- The Unfinished obelisk:

Located in Sheyakhah Oula, in the northern region of the stone quarries of ancient Egypt in Aswan, the unfinished obelisk is the largest known ancient obelisk. Its construction was ordered by Hatshepsut, the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. She was the second historically-confirmed female pharaoh, the first being Sobekneferu.

The unfinished obelisk is nearly one-third larger than any ancient Egyptian obelisk ever erected. If finished it would have measured around 42 m (approximately 137 feet) and would have weighed nearly 1,090 metric tons (1,200 tons), a weight equal to about 200 African elephants.

2- The Nubian Museum:

Inaugurated in 1997, the International Museum of Nubia, was dedicated to Nubian culture and civilization. It was awarded the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2001, which is an architectural prize established by Aga Khan IV in 1977.

The building has three floors for displaying and housing, in addition to a library and information center. The largest part of the museum is occupied by the monumental pieces, reflecting phases of the development of Nubian culture and civilization.

3- Elephantine

Elephantine is an island on the Nile, forming part of the city of Aswan. There are several archaeological sites on the island.

The island is located just downstream of the First Cataract, at the southern border of Upper Egypt with Lower Nubia. This region above is referred to as Upper Egypt because it is further up the Nile.

The island may have received its name after its shape, which in aerial views is similar to that of an elephant tusk, or from the rounded rocks along the banks resembling elephants.

Elephantine was a fort that stood just before the first cataract of the Nile. During the Second Intermediate Period (1650–1550 BC), the fort marked the southern border of Egypt, according to Ian Shaw in Oxford History of Ancient Egypt.

4- El Nabatat Island

Geziret En Nabatat (Plant Island) or the Botanical Island is a small, oval-shaped island in the Nile at Aswan, it was previously known as Kitchener’s Island, named after Lord Kitchener who owned it as he was gifted the island, when he served as Consul-General in Egypt.

The island and gardens can be reached by felucca, a traditional wooden sailing boat, that reach the Southeastern side of the small island.

5- Mausoleum of Aga Khan

The Mausoleum of Aga Khan is the mausoleum of Aga Khan III, Sir Sultan Muhammed Shah, who died in 1957. The mausoleum is located at Aswan, along the Nile of Egypt, since Egypt was formerly the centre of power of the Fatimids. The mausoleum is built in the style of the Fatimid tombs in Cairo.
[Photo: Mausoleum of Aga Khan]

6- Philae

Philae is an island in the reservoir of the Aswan Low Dam, downstream of the Aswan Dam and Lake Nasser, Egypt. Philae was originally located near the expansive First Cataract of the Nile in Upper Egypt and was the site of an Egyptian temple complex.

The ancient Egyptian name of the smaller island meant “boundary”. As their southern frontier, the pharaohs of Egypt kept there a strong garrison, and it was also a barracks for Greek and Roman soldiers in their turn. The first temple structure, which was built by native pharaohs of the 30th dynasty, was the one for Hathor, a major goddess in ancient Egyptian religion.

7- Agilkia Island

An island in the reservoir of the Old Aswan Dam along the Nile River in southern Egypt; it is the present site of the relocated Ancient Egyptian temple complex of Philae. Agilkia, like the island, was the name chosen for the planned landing site on a comet by the Rosetta spacecraft mission’s Philae lander.

8- El-Tabia Mosque

El-Tabia Mosque is a mosque in Aswan, Egypt. The mosque is surrounded by scenic gardens. Located amidst a park on a hill in the center of Aswan, It reveals a typical architecture of central-dome mosques having an arched entrance, flanked in this case by two minarets, and the prayer hall beneath a central dome.

9- Kom Ombo Temple

The Temple of Kom Ombo is an unusual double temple in the town of Kom Ombo in Aswan Governorate, Upper Egypt. It was constructed during the Ptolemaic dynasty, 180–47 BC. Some additions to it were later made during the Roman period.

10- Aswan Museum

Aswan Museum is a museum in Elephantine, located on the south-eastern side of Aswan, Egypt. It opened to the public in 1912. The museum features artefacts from Nubia, which were housed there during the construction of the Aswan Dam. In 1990, a new department was inaugurated displaying findings that were discovered on Elephantine island itself, such as utensils, weapons, pottery and mummies. The museum is situated close to the Ruins of Abu, where excavations are still taking place.

Luxor and Aswan Travel best travel agency in Egypt specialized in providing professional advice on planning Egypt tours, Nile River Cruise and Day Tours.

Speaking A Second Language Can Make You More Employable: Here’s How

Leaving higher education and entering the world of work can be a daunting prospect. But, until you reach this point, everything you do is a building block toward your future career – and then suddenly, it’s time to take the leap.

If you’re feeling a little over-faced by the prospect, you’re not alone. Nor are you the only student who’ll second guess what they want to do once their academic career is over. What you can and should do, though, is think about ways to make yourself more employable – no matter what field you end up going into.

This is where learning a second language can come in useful. According to research, it’s a guaranteed way to make yourself more attractive to employers. In the article below, we look at how it can come in handy.  

It widens the parameters of your future job searches

Source: Pixabay

Many people dream of traveling, but this can be difficult if you’re not able to work to fund it. However, this is much less of a problem if you take French lessons before taking that trip to Paris. It’s now easier than ever, too, thanks to online resources like Preply. These websites are dedicated to matching tutors with teachers and will bring your language skills up to scratch in no time.

Once you can speak a second language, there’s very little to hold you back from working abroad. That means you can travel anywhere in the world without having to sacrifice your employability and will be an attractive prospect­ to overseas companies because of your bilingualism.  

You’ll be seen as an asset by businesses looking to expand

You won’t only be attractive to overseas employers; you’ll also be in demand among those closer to home. In 2022, lots of businesses are looking to expand into foreign markets, and the online world and global eCommerce have made this easier than ever. One of the few things holding many back is the language barrier, which can stop companies from effectively communicating with overseas customers and suppliers.

Say there’s a clothing company looking to expand into the European market, with a particular focus on making it big in Spain. An employee who can speak Spanish naturally seems like an asset, in that they’ll be able to bridge the gap between the company and its new customers. If it comes down to two candidates, one of whom is fluent in Spanish and the other who only speaks English, there’s no doubt about which one they’re going to choose.

Employers will be willing to pay you more

Source: Pixabay

Because speaking a second language makes you a hot commodity, you’re also likely to be paid more. Let’s say you take French as one of your minors. Did you know that becoming fluent in this could increase your salary by between 11 and 35 percent?

This is especially true for those who master more widely spoken – and therefore more in-demand – languages, such as Spanish, Mandarin, French, and Hindi.

With this in mind, isn’t it time you added a second language to your resume to make it really stand out?

What Is Splunk SIEM?

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What Is SIEM?

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems are the foundation of most processes in a modern Security Operations Center (SOC). SIEM eliminates the need for security analysts to monitor multiple systems and aggregate vast amounts of log data manually—a SIEM solution does it for them, providing alerts that combine data from multiple systems.

SIEM systems integrate with security tools, network monitoring tools, performance monitoring tools, critical servers and endpoints, and other IT systems. SIEM also captures and analyzes log and event data and generates alerts when identifying suspicious activity that deserves further investigation.

What Is Splunk?

Splunk is a US-based company providing a popular open source software platform, with an enterprise offering built around it. Splunk indexes machine data into searchable and actionable intelligence. It aggregates and analyzes logs from a variety of sources, including APIs, applications, servers, mobile devices, and websites. 

Splunk’s log management and analytics platform uses its own search processing language to traverse large datasets of machine data and perform contextual queries. Splunk uses a distributed architecture and is able to handle very large volumes of data with high performance.

Splunk has established itself as a security information and event management (SIEM) company. By consolidating log file data collected from disparate systems and devices across your IT environment, it allows users to perform advanced security analysis and system health assessments from a single interface.

What Is Splunk Enterprise Security (Splunk SIEM)?

The Splunk SIEM solution, called Splunk Enterprise Security (Splunk ES), helps organizations rapidly detect, analyze, and remediate internal and external security threats and attacks.

Splunk Enterprise Security is built on the Splunk Operational Intelligence Platform. It uses discovery and correlation capabilities to enable users to capture, monitor, and report data from security devices, systems, and applications. Once issues are identified, security analysts can quickly investigate and remediate security threats across identities, endpoints, and networks.

Splunk Enterprise Security Overview

Splunk Enterprise Security collects activity data and stores it in a searchable format. It consolidates logs generated by various components across the IT ecosystem, including software, firmware, and operating systems. It also provides threat intelligence and vulnerability scanning features to help analyze the information and detect threats.

Log Management

Splunk provides a log server and log file management system that collects log messages from various sources and stores them centrally in a searchable format. This functionality is especially critical to maintain compliance with regulations like the GDPR and HIPAA, which require logging all actions related to sensitive data logged and making these logs available for auditing. 

Network Traffic Monitoring

Splunk Enterprise Security gathers network data, stores it for analysis, and correlates events occurring on the network and various endpoints and servers across the ecosystem. This functionality can track various aspects, including availability, disk or storage performance, hardware, and interface problems. It provides the visibility needed to establish performance baselines and improve efficiency and productivity.

Threat Intelligence

Splunk’s threat intelligence functionality enables examining data in various forms, such as aggregating, searching, and sorting system data. The solution provides pre-written search strings derived from threat intelligence. 

Most SIEM solutions offer an automatically updated feed of attack vectors fed directly into the tool to add relevant detection rules continuously. Since Splunk does not have a research lab to supply this information, the solution lets you use seven specific threat intelligence sources delivered in a format Splunk can read. 

Vulnerability Scanning

Splunk Enterprise Security performs vulnerability scanning for data searches driven by threat intelligence. The solution allows you to extend its standard functionality with various plugins and add-ons available on Splunkbase, a user community forum. Most Splunkbase apps are free, but the library also offers paid tools. Alternatively, you can deploy an existing vulnerability scanner already in use as part of your security stack.

Splunk Enterprise Security Pricing

Splunk Enterprise Security can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud. To use Splunk Enterprise Security in the cloud, you must purchase a Splunk Cloud license.

Splunk offers three pricing plans:

  • Workfload-based pricing—Customers are charged for the number of Splunk Virtual Computing Units (SVCs) they use, based on the number of search and analytics operations being performed.
  • Entity Pricing—costs are based on the number of monitored and managed hosts.
  • Ingest pricing—on-demand quantity-based pricing based on data ingestion into Splunk products, measured in terms of GB per day.

All plans include standard support including new releases and updates, documentation, live product roadmaps, online case submission with status, phone support, and membership in the Splunk Answers community. Premium support is available at an additional cost, speeding up response times and providing direct access to Splunk’s premium support team.


In this article, I explained the basics of Splunk’s SIEM solution and covered the following aspects of the product:

  • Log management
  • Network traffic monitoring
  • Threat intelligence
  • Vulnerability scanning

Finally, I discussed pricing implications of the Splunk ES solution. I hope this will be useful as you evaluate the use of Splunk as a SIEM in your organization.

Top 13 Disney Craft Activities for Kids of all Ages

Kids, it is time to get Disney crafty! Disney is a fascinating world for kids and what better way to engage them by introducing Disney craft activities that will keep them learning and having fun for a long time. Here are 13 activities that can get your little Disney fan excited.

  1. Lion King Paper Mask Craft

 Lion king is one of the favorite Disney movies that kids love and in this craft, kids can create a pretend Lion King mask. A lion mask of Simba can be created to shield face for pretend play in the jungle. The mask isn’t difficult to create and even little kids can do it. Construction papers can be turned into pieces and glued to a paper plate which will be the Lion face. It depends on the kid to make the Lion face look friendly, Scary or what have you. A string can be added to hold the hi mask in place when worn over the face. 


  1. Disney Coloring Activity

Each Disney coloring page is the promise of a lovely moment full of sweetness and this drawing will be the support of magnificent color dreams for children. The designs in these Disney coloring pages are beautiful, true to the real characters, and easy to print and color for hours of fun. This activity makes children dream and these drawings provoke the pride of the child and his parents. It is certain that several Disney coloring pages will end up displayed on the wall to decorate the house. Coloring and drawing are among children’s favorite activities and they are also educational activities that help them learn colors, shapes, train fine motor skills and communicate. Open the door to your imagination.

  1. Elsa Magic Wand Craft

Elsa is one of the favourite Disney characters and little girls will love this craft. Elsa Magic wand from the movie Frozen. Frozen fans will find this craft easy and it starts with the use of wire glitter that can be cut into many pieces. The finger designs the snowflake that is placed on the Elsa magic wand and this makes it magical and cool to behold!

  1. Mickey Mouse Stencil Coloring Craft

This is a craft that will interest and excite little artists that are Disney fans. This stencil coloring activity is simple to create with the use of acrylic paints, sponge brushes, canvas and a Mickey Mouse stencil that can be gotten from the store. The Mickey Mouse stencil is glued to the canvas and a wild sponge painting is done around the picture. Once the canvas gets dry, the stencil can be taken off to reveal a beautiful craft!

  1. Paper Bag Puppets from Toy Story Craft

Toy story has become one of the favourite Disney movies in recent times. There are great characters such as Little Green, Hamm and other great characters from the story that can be used to create this paper Toy Story. Simply use your paper bags around the house to make the puppets that can tell the story from your favourite scenes. 

  1. Magical Fireworks Painting Craft

Kids love to see fireworks on July 4th but this is beyond that! Kids can turn fireworks into Disney inspired craft to create magic in the air. A large printed image of the castle can be cut out and glued to a big cardboard or construction paper. A fork can be dipped into different colors of paints and wiped off to create the lines of the fireworks. So, go ahead and create the magic!

Image: Fireworks Clipart

  1. Mater and MCqueen Lightning Popsicle Stick craft

This is a craft that may take some time but will create a masterpiece. Take  8 red popsicle sticks and put them side by side while the 6 popsicles sticks can be glued perpendicular to the others. The construction paper which is white in color is arranged on the edge of the sticks. The eyes and the mouths can be cut from the construction paper and the wheels of the cars can be cut out from the paper and glued to the sticks. 

  1. Flower Crown from Moana 

To make a Moana crown for little girls, a green piece of construction paper can be cut into some lengths measured. The ends of the leaves can be glued together and left to dry. The leaves can be glued to the construction paper based on the style you wish to create. The petals should be glued together at equal lengths and make everything fit into the crown to make a beautiful craft.

  1. Disney Inspired Popsicle Stick Picture Frame Craft 

This craft is simple to make with items that can easily be gotten. Two sticks can be placed on each side to get a square shape and glue each side together. A picture can be placed in the back of the frame to create a note to enable the picture into the frame. Use stickers, papers of your favorite Disney characters to decorate the frame. A clothespin can be glued to the back to make it stand. 

  1. Earth Day inspired by Disney Craft

This is a craft that will create fun for little artists. The planet Earth can be drawn beautifully. The coffee filter should be flattened and a green marker used to color it entirely. The spray bottles should be used to create the magical colors that would blend beautifully. The middle part of the coffee can be cut out to create the ear and a heart can be added to show appreciation for the earth. 

  1. Toy Story Rocketship Craft

Kids love Toy story and creating a Rocketship will be lots of fun. A cardboard tube or TP roll can be painted and left  to dry. Triangles can be cut out from the card stock and a strip can be drawn using a red marker. The construction paper can be folded into cone shape and glued to the TP roll’s top. The cardstock can be used to create strips or the flames to be glued to the inner part of the roll. Use an aluminum foil to create a Mickey Mouse cut out to place on the Rocketship. 

  1. Disney Aurora Handprint Plate Craft

How about eating on a plate with an inspired Aurora or sleeping Beauty craft! Take a plate and get some pink color paints to make some print on the plate. Aurora paper dolls can be printed and cut out based on the size of the plate. The paper doll is placed in the handprint and a brush to spread the Mod podge

  1. Mickey inspired Q-Tip Art. 

This is an easy and fun craft. The Mickey mouse template is printed and traced on a construction paper. With Q- tip color guide can be used to sprinkle little dots. You can do it randomly, in a pattern, around the traced Mickey and so on. Then leave it to dry to create the beautiful art. 

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