The Kappa Pi Chapter-at-Large of Sigma Theta Tau International of the Bellin College, School of Nursing and the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Professional Program in Nursing invites nurses, undergraduate and graduate nursing students and other healthcare professionals to the 4th Biennial Scholarship Day 2012. The program is scheduled for Friday, November 9th in the Alumni Rooms and 1965 Room of the University Union on the UW-Green Bay campus. The schedule includes:
8:30- 8:55 Registration
8:55- 9:00 Welcome
9:00- 10:15 Keynote “Improving Quality through Evidence-based Practice”
Marita Titler, PhD, RN, FAAN, Executive Director of the National Nursing Practice Network, Associate Dean for Practice and Clinical Scholarship University of Michigan, School of Nursing and UMHS
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:15 Poster Session
11:15-12:00 Breakout Session 1: Through the Eyes of a Student: How Students Come To See the Whole of a Clinical Situation
Mary Rolloff, PhD, RN, CNE
12:00-12:45 Lunch
12:45-1:15 “The Future of Evidence-based Practice”
Dr. Marita Titler
1:15-2:00 Breakout Session 2
The Caring Journey: Staff Development in an Eden Alternative Facility
Brenda Tyczkowski, RN, DNP
2:00-2:30 Wrap Up and Evaluations
3.75 Contact hours will be awarded. Attendance for entire conference and completion of evaluation is required to receive the contact hours.
Registration Fees (includes lunch): $50 Active Members of Sigma Theta Tau Interenational, INC.; $65 Inactive/Non-Members; $25 Undergraduate and graduate nursing students.
Sponsor a Student: Members are invited to sponsor a student registration by sending a check to Kapp Pi and note the sponsorship on the registratoin form.
Registration Deadline is Friday, Novemeber 2, 2012. Mail your name, address, email and phone to : Dr. Nancy Buruss, Associate Professor, BSN Program Director, Bellin College, School of Nursing, 3201 Eaton Road, Green Bay, WI 54311. Make payment check out to Kappa Pi Chapter at Large. Email questions to .