Mexico Study Trip – January 5-19, 2013

Dr. Christine Vandenhouten, Assistant Professor, invites all Nursing students, alumni and community members to join her to travel to Cuernavaca, Mexico – the city of Eternal Spring – from January 5-19, 2013.  Participants will learn about the Mexican Healthcare system, hear from a Mexican “Partera” or Midwife about delivering babies, explore traditional healing methods, visit cultural sites and immerse yourself in the Spanish language.  There is no language pre-requisite. Whether you are fluent or don’t speak any Spanish, there is a language class designed for you.  This course is for anyone who is interested in improving their ability to work with patients whose primary language is Spanish.

Nursing students can earn three credits (course 499) to fulfill either World Culture, Therapeutic Nursing Intervention, Special Topics in Nursing, or partial credit toward Community Health Practicum.  (An independent project to be completed by March 31, 2013 will follow the trip for students wishing the three credits.)   Cost is $2860 for airfare (out of Green Bay), meals, lodging, entrance fees, excursions and instruction.  There is also $165 International Education Application for a total cost of $3025. 

For more information go the UWGB Office of International Education website at .  Look for the Apply Now button at the bottom of the page.  If you have advising questions,  please contact either Jennifer Schwahn ( or Sharon Gajeski ( one of our Nursing Advisors by September 25.