New additions to our nearly 200 library databases include:
Films on Demand Master Academic: Over 6,000 streaming educational videos from a wide range of disciplines. Stream the videos online from anywhere and you can link to them or embed them into your D2L course.
Counseling & Therapy in Video: From Alexander Street Press, over 800 streaming videos related to counseling, social work, psychology, psychotherapy, and psychiatric counseling.
ArtSource: From EBSCO, this database covers fine arts, decorative arts, commercial arts, and architecture. It includes over 600 full-text journals, over 200 full-text books, and over 60,000 images.
Civil War Collection (Accessible Archives): Primary source materials from the U.S. Civil War time period, including selected midwestern and southern newspapers, soldiers’ journals, the memoirs of military leaders, and regimental histories of selected units.