Canada Goldenrod Growing Instructions

How to grow Canada Goldenrod  

The Canada Goldenrod can be a great addition to your garden or yard and requires little to no maintenance once they have bloomed. After they have bloomed, they easily spread from year to year without you having to do any work. Please use the following conditions in order to plant your first goldenrod seeds.

Figure 1: Solidago Canadenis, Daniel McClosky, Sept. 5th, 2019

1.) Planting Times 

Plant goldenrod seeds in the late fall to early spring, since those are the seasons that they specifically grow in. 

2.) Soil 

 Goldenrods can grow in any soil type.                                                           

3.) Watering 

– Water the goldenrod every day so that the ground is moist but not soaked.  

– Mature plants will rarely require watering unless rain is scarce.  

4.) Sunlight 

Goldenrods can tolerate some shade, but it is best to keep it in sunlight for most of the day or else it will reduce its blooms.

Potting and Re-potting 

Don’t want your goldenrod to spread, or just want to keep one during the winter? Planting goldenrods in pots is a great way to keep the goldenrod from spreading and keeping it inside of the house. Please follow the following steps for plotting the goldenrod.  

  1. Choose a pot that’s twelve inches in diameter and has large drainage holes on the bottom 
  2. Fill pot with potting mix, specifically one of high quality 
  3. Place plant in the pot and back fill with potting mix 
  4. Water plant slowly until soil is evenly moist 
  5. Water plant every day until bloom 



Q: Why isn’t my goldenrod blooming? 

A: Goldenrod flowers tend to not bloom until late in the season, so be patient and keep tending to them until they bloom. If your goldenrod still isn’t blooming, it could be because of the following: 

  1. It hasn’t been watered enough 
  2. It hasn’t gotten enough sunlight 
  3. It was given too much water 
  4. Impatience for the flower to grow 

Q: How do I keep my goldenrod from spreading in my yard? 

A: One way to keep the goldenrod from overrunning your yard is simply to keep them in flowerpots instead of planting them in the yard. See instructions under potting and re-potting for more details.  

Q: How do I get my goldenrod to spread on its own? 

A: The Canada goldenrod spreads through a combination of germination and rhizomes, which are the roots of the flower. The roots continue to spread underground and shoot up new flowers. 


Beaulieu, D. (2022, June 27). How to grow and care for goldenrod. The Spruce. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from 

Foster, Joe. “Goldenrod – Facts, Identification, Grow & Care.” Growit Buildit, 20 Nov. 2019,