Harvey Arnold is celebrated for his career accomplishments as a UW-Green Bay alum and leader for Sinclair Broadcast Group, as well as his efforts to inspire the next generation of emerging leaders in media and broadcasting.
Arnold is sure to give credit where credit is due, including to his mentor, the late Gary Mach.
“Gary taught me the value of doing quality engineering,” Arnold told Inside magazine. “We all need a mentor such as Gary. …I remain grateful to him for sharing his knowledge with me and for showing, by example, ways to practice good engineering.”

As a tribute to his mentor, Arnold has helped to establish the Gary Mach Excellence in Media Fund, which seeks to continue Gary’s legacy on the campuses of UW-Green Bay by supporting facilities, creating opportunities, and offering financial support for students who aspire to professional careers in media.
Mach’s career in broadcast engineering served several media organizations, businesses, charitable organizations, and most of all, UW-Green Bay and public broadcasting in Wisconsin. Through his work in television production during the 1960s and 70s at the then fledgling Green Bay campus, he created opportunities to learn and grow for generations of broadcast engineers.
Arnold has offered seed funding to establish the Mach Excellence in Media Fund in the hopes that alumni, retiree and colleagues will help build it in honor of Mach’s legacy in broadcasting, and to support a future for fair, unbiased journalism through academic training at UW-Green Bay.
Related articles/videos:
- New Age for Media and Engineering Launched with Renovated IS space, now TEAM Laboratories (from uwgb.edu)
- Renovated TV studios named in honor of ’75 alumnus Harvey Arnold (from uwgb.edu)
- Newsroom named in honor of late Frank Wood, publisher Green Bay News Chronicle (from uwgb.edu)
- Media Center (from Communications Department “Comm Voice” blog)
- Finding and Educating Young Engineers (From NAB Pilot, National Association of Broadcasters, blog post)
- UWGB dedicates its new media newsroom (VIDEO from WLUK TV Fox 11)
- UWGB’s new studio named for Sinclair broadcast engineer Harvey Arnold (VIDEO from WLUK TV Fox 11)
Starting this school year, students will begin using a new $5.7 million Technology, Engineering, Arts and Media (TEAM) Laboratories — formerly Information Sciences (IS). The 13,300-square-foot space is equipped with state-of-the-art classrooms and labs with advanced instrumentation. TEAM houses space for student-run media and entertainment facilities, including a radio station, TV studio, newsroom and games and interactive media. Four engineering labs are included in the suite — an electrical engineering lab, electronic circuits lab, electrical machines lab and senior design lab, as well as a physics lab.

With the launch of the newly renovated space, UW-Green Bay has set out to revitalize the student media infrastructure for students to develop skills in radio, television, internet broadcasting, podcasting, gaming, social media, entertainment and journalism that is suited for not only our contemporary moment, but also positioned for quick adaptation in an environment of rapid technological and platform change.
Within TEAM Labs, several individuals and organizations have been recognized for their support of programming, including Arnold who was honored by Sinclair Broadcast Group with naming of the remodeled TV Studio as Arnold Broadcast Studio
To support the Mach Excellence in Media Fund, send checks to:
UW-Green Bay Foundation (write Gary Mach Fund in memo line)
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311
Donations can be conveniently made online, via credit card (3% fee incurred by Foundation) or ACH withdrawal (bank routing number needed, no fees) to the Gary Mach Excellence in Media Fund