Mar. 31-April 13
While we’re under the #StayAtHome order, we need to find a way to stay sane during this isolation. There is some good that comes out of all this social distancing: It gives you a chance to do all those activities you never had time for around the house.
This might sounds crazy, but for me, I always feel like I’ve accomplished something and am even a bit happier when doing an activity like cleaning. If you’re just laying around all day and are bored, I suggest:
- rearranging your room,
- cleaning the bathroom,
- doing some laundry,
- getting rid of old clothes or items.
Cleaning isn’t the only activity I like to do when I’m stuck at home, I am a big fan of:
- adult coloring books,
- walking the dog,
- going on a run,
- baking,
- doing a puzzle.
In addition, you could try an art project, like a diamond painting, which is like paint by numbers, except instead of paint, you place tiny, diamond-like pieces on a picture coated in sticky adhesive to bring color and a 3D look to it. Sitting in your room with music on and nobody around while spending hours on one art piece is something I really enjoy, and I recommend everyone try it.
Also, let’s all try to remember that this might be a rough few weeks, but we are getting to bond with our families. It’s not every day that we get to spend this much time with them. So, get everyone to play a card game or board game, or just all sit down and watch a good movie. Remember that while we are stuck, we are just “safe at home.”
—Sierra Adams, Events Editor