The Driftwood #36: Editorial Staff Profiles Part 1

May 3rd, 2023

Editorial Staff Profiles, Part IWith this semester coming to a close, we thought to share profiles on our editorial teams. Meet the Driftwood staff! Brought together by ENG 224: Practicum in Literary Publishing, the students on our staff also serve as editors for the Northern LightsKayu Brooks: Mother, Popcorn Lady, EditorKayu BrooksKayu Brooks attends the Green Bay campus. While her major is in English, she recently completed a minor in Spanish! She hopes to one day get a career in the Green Bay Public School System, and though she is shy, she loves being arounds kids and hopes to use her Spanish-speaking skills to communicate with bilingual students.In Kayu’s experience, she’s come to find that professors are willing to assist with assignments and answer questions about the class more than she assumed, so always speak up and ask! One of those professors is Mrs. Hayden, who teaches two courses that Kayu took. Kayu was amazed by this incredible professor, for Mrs. Hayden was open to her students and taught in many ways to make sure everyone understood.Overall, Kayu’s experience in college has been positive. She has come to make many connections with fellow parents, and she’s also earned herself a bit of a reputation. Kayu is known as the “Popcorn Lady” since she would read in the same spot and munch on popcorn. She has even garnered the attention of  the food-service workers who prepare popcorn for her when she stops by. In English 224, Kayu has felt a growth in her confidence as a writer, spurred by writing articles for the Driftwood, and she feels proud of what she achieved. Kana Coonce: Cat Wrangler, EditorKana CoonceKana Coonce (Manitowoc campus) is currently going for the Writing and Applied Arts degree, but he’s been around for quite a while. It took Kana ten years to get where he is right now, so his advice to any students out there is that it’s okay to not know what you’re doing yet!The course ahead for Kana is to get into publishing, mainly on the editing side, but his dream job is to be a fact-checker. He has been getting a lot of practice in that field thanks to English 224, and that’s due to the amazing work of Ms. Rysavy. She is a very warm and down-to-earth professor and has been a delight to have as a professor. Over the years, Kana has had several fun interactions during college, including the time he made the game “Pin the Head on Marie Antoinette,” which he still has the poster for. He’s loved meeting so many passionate people, too, and by far one of his favorite professors is at UW-Waukesha, a gender studies professor named Dr. Zanikowski. While she was a bit absent-minded, she was very intelligent and left a good impression on Kana.Grace Desotell: Co-Editor-in-Chief, Garden & Hobbies EditorGrace DesotellGrace Desotell (Marinette campus) is currently working towards getting a BFA in Writing and Applied Arts, and being a Co-Editor-in-Chief has given her a remarkable experience. English 224 has been her favorite experience in college so far. From writing for the Driftwood, jurying the Northern Lights, and writing feature articles, there is a reason she took this class twice. Ms. Rysavy, the professor for the course, has been an extraordinary teacher and has taught many grounded, real-world lessons about writing. To anyone interested in coming to class, don’t come half-heartedly. It takes a creative person to thrive in class, but the experience you’ve earned is well worth it. Grace hopes to one day write for a nonprofit organization, and eventually, start an online book editing business, something she’s already been doing for this course.Being a senior, she has been through a plethora of classes, and one of her favorite moments came when she was in biology class. She was sitting in the back of a stadium-style room, and when she pulled up on her jacket while leaving, a bunch of change came spilling out. The instructor graciously accepted the honor of having had money thrown at her. Grace’s only save was to admit that her lecture was that good. That wasn’t the only professor that got her laughing either. Professor Karl Boehler made Grace burst out laughing so many times that she could not pick a specific moment. It was that fun.Emma Krueger: EditorEmma KruegerUnlike many of the other students in English 224, Emma Krueger (Green Bay campus) is currently going for a degree in Graphic Design and hopes to find a job that uses her artistic skill. Though her focus is on art, the Driftwood has become a unique experience for her. She has never published writings before and loves seeing what everyone comes up with.She has had a few hilarious moments while she’s been in college. One thing that stood out to her was the college bingo nights. She adores how competitive people get over such a simple game, but her most bizarre story comes from her dorm room. She got a knock at the door, expecting her roommate or someone else. Rather, she saw her best friend in a cart while holding a 20-gallon fish tank with two fish inside. They bought one more fish to make the golden trio of Wubba, Bubba, and King Peaches.Emma wanted to shout out her art professor Aaron Renier for being such an incredible instructor. He was Emma’s first art professor and left a wonderful impression on Emma. He was supportive and encouraging, and when they showed their final projects, he was ecstatic! It made Emma more confident in her artwork. Her advice to new students follows the trend of art. Don’t be afraid to do things on your own. Talk to new people. Experience new things. You never know if you don’t try.Syd Morgan: EditorSyd MorganSyd Morgan (Green Bay campus) is aiming to get an English degree with a Creative Writing emphasis so that she may one day work in a publishing company. Though she also wants to travel around the US in a Subaru Outback and experience van life.She’s had a few fun interactions with the professors at UWGB. One that stands out for Syd was sharing her “awkward moment of the day” with Professor Aaron Weinschenk, but one of her favorite professors is Professor Jennie Young. She runs the Women in Literature course, an empowering class with a lot of great discussions.In English 224, Syd’s favorite part is coming up with ideas and writing for the Driftwood. It has been very fun for her over the course of the semester. Now, normally, I try to weave the answers together, but Syd’s advice is so quotable that it deserves separation. “You can eat 100 pancakes in the span of 100 days, but you cannot eat 100 pancakes in one sitting. That’s all to say, get a little bit of work done every day, for you cannot do it all at once when it builds up.”

—Aidann Woodcock, Profiles Editor

The Driftwood #36: Self-Care Corner

March 3rd, 2023

7 Self-Care Fails to Avoid During Finals Week

guy pushing over boxes labeled "stress" and "anxiety"Finals Week is almost upon us, and even though you won’t have to go to class, the week itself can still be stressful. Here are seven things you won’t want to do as you get through this week and into summer.

  1. Don’t skimp on sleep. if you pull all-nighters and don’t get your recommended six to eight hours of sleep each night, you might find your brain short-circuiting from exhaustion when you need it most. You’re not going to absorb your books through osmosis if you fall asleep on them. Better to build in a healthy sleep schedule so you’re well-rested and wide awake as you finish up the semester.
  2. Don’t eat your stress. It might be tempting to inhale a Snickers for a quick energy burst or stress-eat a bag of cheese popcorn, but it won’t fuel your brain or your body. Keep your energy up with good nutrition and hydration. Stock up now on healthy snacks and beverages, and plan for quick but nutritious meals. No one needs a blood-sugar crash in the middle of a chem final.
  3. Don’t treat yourself like a human studying machine. If you study for hours on end without a break, you will lose your mind, and it will not be well-timed. While it might be amusing for your classmates if you loudly rage-quit your history exam, it won’t do your GPA any favors. Plus, UWGB is a small school, and chances are, you’ll run into that professor again, and you’ll be mentally cringing every time you cross paths from now until you graduate. Take breaks and give your brain a much-needed rest. Remember your Pomodoro: Study for 25 minutes, then take a break for 5. After four cycles of this, take a longer 15- to 20-minute break. Your brain will work better—promise.
  4. Don’t be a slug. It might be hard to work in exercise when you have SO MUCH TO DO, OMG, but it can help boost your energy and focus. You don’t have to do a full hour of CrossFit or go on a masochistic hour-long run. Give yourself permission to simplify your workout routine to a ten-minute walk or a fast 15 minutes of yoga each day, and you’ll still have time to study without disrupting your exercise schedule. There are plenty of free YouTube videos for quick, low-intensity, stress-busting workouts.
  5. Don’t cave to peer or family pressure. Oh, sure, it’d be great to play a video game with your roommate for four hours, and yes, it’s hard to say no to mom when she offers to make your favorite spaghetti if you just come home for the weekend. But you know you should really be studying/working instead. Map out your busy days and times, and make it clear to friends and family that you won’t be available then. If you feel uncomfortable refusing them, practice saying, “I have an appointment,” which is a fine way to get people to ease off. If they press you for details, just give them a meaningful look. You know, the one that will cause them to back away and say, “Oh, THAT kind of appointment.” You don’t have to tell them that said appointment is actually with a stack of books.
  6. Don’t be a masochist. Try to do something you enjoy every day, so you don’t suck the fun out of the entire week. Remember The Shining: All work and no play makes Jack go on a murderous rampage, and we don’t want that. Take time to read a book, watch a trashy TV show, play a video game, or catch up with friends (then tell them “I have an appointment” and run away when it’s time to go). Despite the deadlines hanging over your head, you need at least a little time off daily for optimal brain function.
  7. Don’t forget to visualize the finish line. Just one more week, and you’ll have successfully finished another year of college and will be that much closer to your life goals. And, it’ll officially be time for summer sun and fun. (At least, we hope there will be sun.) Keep that in mind to motivate you as you run, walk, or drag yourself across this semester’s finish line. We’re proud of you!
—Tracy Fernandez Rysavy, Driftwood Advisor

The Driftwood #36: Ultimate Hobbies 2

May 3rd, 2023

Googly Eyes Make Everything Better

Googly eyes on a globeSometimes self-care means doing little things to make you smile, and what’s more perfect for that than putting little googly-eyes on random objects? Here is our list of things to “eye” up!

  • Pair of Scissors. Super-glue eyes on top of the screw/joint of the scissors and watch how every opening and closing of the blades transforms into the adorable, deadly mouth of the scissor monster.
  • Doorknobs. Works best with round handles, a pair of eyes right above the stem of the doorknob creates the illusion of a little friend with a big nose.
  • USB Ports. If there is room where the eyes won’t restrict the function of the device, gluing on a pair atop the open port makes for a striking, open-mouthed companion.
  • Laptop. Slap a pair of eyes on the back of your device and carry around a new friend for all of your classes. It gives your professors someone new to lecture at too.
  • TV Remote. You’ll feel even worse about losing it now. Look into the blank googly-eyed stare that has seen the horror of what’s in-between the couch cushions.
  • Microwave. Someone to watch you watch your food! Of course, make sure you place them on the outside.
  • Any Distinct Shape. This one sounds odd but truly, if you find any circle or rectangle that could resemble a mouth, the eyes will do the rest.
—Ariel Rutten

The Driftwood #36: Ultimate Hobbies 1

May 3rd, 2023

Everyone has that one thing they enjoy more than anything to pass the time. It might be knitting, clothespin art, or even painting. For those of you looking for new or more challenging hobbies, we’ve got you covered. Below, we’ve picked out ultimate, step-it-up activities to push your perseverance and boost your creativity.


candle-makingFor some reason, child-me loved power outages. It was a time when everyone had to put the electronics down, get out the matches for the propane stovetop, and light some candles—those very tiny, one-use deals you get in a tray. Today, I keep some of them on standby in my own house for the same reason, but also if I decide to make marshmallows in my living room. Remember, never leave open flames unsupervised.According to, people have been using candles for centuries. During the Qin Dynasty in China, candlemakers used whale fat to make their candles. Elsewhere, beeswax was common. In 500 BC, Romans utilized beef or lamb tallow, along with a strand of twine. People in India used cinnamon with yak butter, and Indigenous Alaskans and Canadians favored the candlefish. Joseph Morgan of Manchester used a braided wick in place of a twisted one, which made it last longer. After perfecting his materials, he built a machine that produced 1,500 of these fire sticks in a single hour. Then, in the 1850s, James Young distilled paraffin from coal and oil shales, creating an inexpensive wax variety that, when combined with stearic acid in the 19th century, was known for its durability and lengthened use.Today, you can choose the attributes you want a candle to have by what kind of wax and oil scent you use. Paraffin, soy, coconut, and beeswax vary in burning length, transparency, smell, and environmental cleanliness (note: while there’s no definitive study stating burning paraffin is harmful, exposure to burning the chemicals in it have been linked to higher rates of cancer). For fragrance, you can double up on aromatherapy (just be careful which ones you use if there are kids or pets around). Containers? Just make sure they can hold up to the temperatures the melted wax and flame will be.Think this might be your ultimate hobby? For instructions on how to do it with project material examples, watch this beginner’s tutorial.
—Grace Desotell, Hobbies Editor

The Driftwood #36: DIY Gardening

May 3rd, 2023

It may feel like the winter weather will never let up, but planting season is just around the corner! And whether you have a green thumb or have never grown a thing in your life, this is the perfect year to gear up your garden with some new gardening know-hows.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes on a cutting boardMy holiday go-to vegetable is the sweet potato. Not only is it versatile and easy to prepare in the kitchen, but the stems are a good alternative to spinach, too, thanks to their similar textures and nutrients. But how in the free-floating snowflakes can they be grown in colder, often wetter environments like that of Michigan or Wisconsin? It’s easy; just follow the tips below and you’ll be all set!

  1. Know your taters. Beauregard is one of the most common species of sweet potato grown here, known for its quick maturing rate (90 days) and its higher cold tolerance. However, the Jewel, Garnet, Georgia Jet, and Covington varieties are also popular among Northern gardeners. When choosing what kind to purchase, consider what size, shape, and flavor you’d like, as well as how drought/water/cold-resistant they are. Note that it may take up to six months for the plant to produce.
  2. Know your soil. While these tubers aren’t super picky about the ground they’re planted in, like most potatoes, they prefer sandy, rich, and well-drained soil. This enables their roots to spread out with little difficulty and without encountering large pockets of moisture that can lead to rot. Only water every other day unless it’s especially hot out and the plants are showing signs of yellowing or wilting. Reduce watering near the end of your variety’s days to maturity to prevent the skins from cracking.
  3. Plant at the right opportunity. May through early June (or three weeks after the last frost) is the best time to put the sweet potatoes or sweet potato slips into the ground. Preferably, soil temperature should remain no colder than 55°F at night. This also plays a factor in harvesting as you’ll want to dig them up before the first frost in autumn.
  4. Lay plastic down. Technically, this step is optional. However, it keeps the weeds down and the warmth in the ground. Place a sheet of two-sided billboard tarp or landscape plastic down white first and cut slits where the potato bushes will sprout. Silage tarp plastic found on farms works great, too. These can be purchased at feed mills or anywhere you buy garden plastics.
  5. Harvest. Pitchforks and shovels both function well to dig up tubers, if you don’t plan on letting the roots continue to grow next year. However, you’ll want to do no more than loosen the soil if you desire otherwise. Note: Sweet potatoes require curing under very particular circumstances to be stored for long periods of time after harvest, so do some research and plan in advance how you’ll go about doing this. I’ll be cooking and canning my own. You can collect the leaves for eating once or twice a week by trimming a small portion of the bush, tossing out the stems to be composted. Always leave a clump of healthy green material behind.

Growing Ideas

  1. Humble bundle. Sweet potatoes can be quite happy in a raised garden bed, a plastic bin, or a big pot. Be sure to provide about a 12” diameter, 12” deep area for them to grow. The tubers won’t be quite as big as if they’re in the ground, but you’ll still have something delicious to take home at the end of the day (or inside, should it get chilly early in the year). To ensure they have more essential nutrients available to them, add compost, chicken manure, and rice husks to your soil mixture (available in hardware and gardening stores).
  2. Mound baby. All potatoes appreciate a 10” mound of soil heaped over their row in the garden, even these guys. This is because the tubers push upward through the soil when they begin to crowd (leaving them exposed) and because the stems tend to grow fairly tall (resulting in poor support). You can even add a trellis for hand-weaving the green material into manageable clumps.
—Grace Desotell, Gardening Editor

The Driftwood #36: Local Favorites

May 3rd, 2023

Horror Comedy
Support these wonderful local boutiques to find outfits in time for the summer season! There is a welcoming atmosphere in these shops with staff who are willing to assist in creating new looks.MarinetteGoose and Gander storefrontThe Goose & Gander Finery (715/732-0825): 1712 Dunlap Avenue, Marinette. This boutique features more than just clothing; some of the other items include home décor, personal gifts, and greeting cards. The business page on Facebook posts weekly photos of new clothing items as well as home gifts. In addition, the Goose & Gander website includes many items that are available to order online. The categories on the website are baby and kids, jewelry/accessories, bath and body, cards, clothing, new arrivals, and sale items. With a beautiful window display, this boutique is hard to miss, visit the Goose & Gander Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. They are closed on Sunday and Monday.Green Bay

Apricot Lane storefrontApricot Lane Boutique (920/634-2620): 905 Bay Park Square, Green Bay. Apricot Lane is located within the Bay Park Square Mall, which gives this boutique the flexibility of maintaining the same hours as the mall.  Although the store sells mostly clothing, shoes, accessories, and winter wear sold at this boutique, there are also sections that have local Green Bay and Wisconsin apparel. I have been to this boutique before, and I always notice that there are constantly new clothing options, especially during season changes, and I especially love the jewelry and shoes. There is also an active Facebook page that posts daily deals, with outfit ideas. Stop by the Apricot Lane Boutique Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. They are open a little later Friday and Saturday, until 9:00 p.m. On Sunday, the boutique is open from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

—Kayu Brooks, Local Favorites Editor

The Driftwood #36: The Trash Vortex

May 3rd, 2023

You’ve reached the place where all the bad, but oh-so-satisfying entertainment exists. Here, in the Trash Vortex, we provide you with only the trashiest, most bingeworthy recommendations. It’s a dark hole you won’t escape!

Dating Sims

Imagine your favorite trashy romance novel. Now, imagine that novel as a game, featuring you as the protagonist! Enter: the otome game. Meaning “maiden game” in Japanese, the term “otome game” is used to describe a story-based game (generally a dating simulation, in which the objective is to win the heart of one of several characters presented to the player) geared toward, you guessed it, young women. Rising popularity in the west means that more of these games—once considered too bizarre and unmarketable to bother localizing—have found their ways to our shores. Our maidenly dreams have never been more firmly in our grasp.AmnesiaAmnesia posterAmnesia (also titled Amnesia: Memories in the US to avoid confusion with a certain other horror game) is … problematic. Like, really problematic. Like, “all of these men suck; why am I even trying to win their favor?” problematic. It’s a game about unhealthy relationships that does not even pretend to handle them well. But boy, is the writing juicy.When you, the unnamed, blank-slate heroine, wake up with no memory—the result of some expository supernatural shenanigans in the game’s intro—you must learn all that you can about yourself and the world around you in order to regain them. Oh, and there are mysterious forces trying to kill you, and that’s in addition to enduring some, frankly, atrocious treatment by some of your potential romance options (looking at you, Toma). Fun, right?As this is a romance game geared toward women, you would think the plot would be something a little … I don’t know. Sweeter. That is where you would be wrong. Amnesia is a psychological thriller, through and through, and one that is generally considered a standout of the genre. Just … please be sure to put your critical thinking skills to use with this one. You are smarter than a romanticized abuse narrative! Available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android.)Trigger warnings for abuse, murder, manipulation.Mystic Messenger
Mystic Messenger posterDating pngs in a controlled setting not doing it for you? Wish to be just a little more beholden to the whims of an anime boy? Allow me to introduce Mystic Messenger, the mobile game that took the internet by storm in 2016. Play as a regular girl with no personality who finds herself wrapped up with the RFA, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising money for purposes that are never elaborated on beyond, “It’s for charity.” Members include Zen, a handsome, self-absorbed rising actor; Jumin Han, the humorless heir of a conglomerate; 707, a hacker who lives off of memes, Dr. Pepper, and potato chips; and Yoosung, a gamer. Not into men? That’s fine. There’s also a … gal pal option? That’s basically the same thing as finding true love, right? Right? Three cheers for female friendship!Mystic Messenger is (in)famous for introducing augmented reality mechanics into the classic dating simulation formula: Conversations with other characters happen via a chat room on your phone in real time, meaning that if you’re not in the game at the right time, you might miss chunks of the story, which can frustratingly lead you to a bad ending. In addition, characters might call the player, which can make playing on the go a bit of a struggle. Both of these issues can be mitigated via the game’s in-game currency, which allows you to replay conversations you might have missed … if you’re willing to shell out a bit of cash IRL. For 707, I’d pay anything. Available for iOS and Android.

Kana Coonce, Trash Vortex Editor

The Driftwood #36: Horror Hovel

May 3rd, 2023

Horror Comedy

What’s black and white and red all over? This joke! …Okay, I can hear your groans from here. Fortunately, these horror comedies will have you laughing the whole way through … if you’re not too spooked, that is.Tucker and Dale vs. EvilTucker and Dale posterIn this spoof of a slasher movie, two awkward but well-intentioned hillbillies, Tucker (played by Alan Tudyk) and Dale (played by Tyler Labine), finally buy the vacation home of their dreamsa run-down cabin in the woods. All seems to be going well until a group of college students on a camping trip mistake the two for bloodthirsty killers. To make things worse, in their attempts to save their “kidnapped” friend, Allison, who is staying with the two after they saved her from drowning, the students begin falling prey to bizarre, deadly accidents (think Final Destination, but sillier). Will Tucker and Dale ever be able to clear the air between them? Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is best enjoyed with friends, especially if you’re the type of person who loves giving commentary on what you’re watching.

—Kana Coonce, Horror Editor

What We Do in the ShadowsWWDITS posterThis hilarious mockumentary TV series follows the wacky experiences of four vampires that have lived together for hundreds of years on Staten Island. The cast features Nandor the Relentless, a warrior and conqueror from the Ottoman Empire; British vampire Laszlo; the seductive Nadja; and Colin the day-walker. We also can’t forget one of the funniest parts of the series, Nandor’s familiar, Guillermo. He’s the only human in the mix and has so many ridiculous and comical moments. I love the mockumentary style of this TV show, and it is totally bingable. I ended up watching all four seasons in just a couple weeks. It will keep you laughing the entire time, and the use of awkward tension and striking punchlines makes for a great watch! I would recommend checking out What We Do In The Shadows as it is available on Hulu, YouTube TV, and YouTube!

—Syd Morgan

Children of the Mirror

Children of the Mirror iconChildren of The Mirror is a horror-comedy mini-series made for IFC by Wham! City Comedy. All six episodes are easily accessible on IFC’s YouTube page and are all about five minutes long. The show is about a cult and is presented as lessons from its leader, Curtis, to its followers. He lives in a commune with three other “children” who live to serve him. Not all the lessons are presented to the viewer, just a slow trickle as they descend further into chaos and panic while preparing for their end of the world, simply referred to as “The Return.” As more of how the cult acts and thinks gets revealed, more questions need answers. A thick layer of confusion and intrigue coats the show, with each viewing putting even just another piece into place.

—Andrew Wiegman

The Driftwood #36: Recommended Reads

May 3rd, 2023

High Fantasy Reads, Part II

Welcome in warmer weather with books that inspire adventure!The Name of the Wind (Kingkiller Chronicle #1)by Patrick Rothfuss
The Name of the Wind coverIn Patrick Rothfuss’ The Name of the Wind, Kvothe, the main character, retells the story of his life to a weary traveler. He begins with his childhood, weaving the tale of his life in a troupe of traveling players into his time spent as an orphan trying to survive in a crime-ridden city. He then moves the story to narrate his time spent at a legendary magic school, where he gets into all sorts of crazy trouble. It gives full Hogwarts vibes, but so much darker and cooler. Kvothe’s life is full of crazy, wonderful, and at times heart-wrenching stories; which one will be your favorite?
The Name of the Wind had me hooked from the very beginning. This novel is a beautifully written and high-action coming-of-age story that explores themes of grief, belonging, and power. The writing feels almost poetic for much of the book, but is still easily read and extremely entertaining. Kvothe’s life experiences from childhood to young adult to early adulthood run the gambit of fantastical, magical, and intense. To add to this already wonderful book, it is the first in a trilogy that is yet to be finished! The second one is already out, but the third one is on its way—now is a great time to hop into this series!
—Syd Morgan, Books Editor
Daughter of the Forest (The Sevenwaters Series #1)by Juliet MarillierDaughter of the Forest coverSorcha is the youngest of Lord Colum of Sevenwaters’ seven children. The lady of the house died giving birth to her, but the mother-shaped hole in her heart is almost filled by the closeness Sorcha shares with her six older brothers. Until Lord Colum remarries, that is, as emotionally remote single fathers in fantasy fairy tales are wont to do. Lady Oonagh, the new stepmother, wants Lord Colum’s love—and money—for herself. And naturally, being a powerful sorceress, she casts a devastating curse on the lord’s sons, turning them into swans, though she fails to catch his daughter in her magical snare. As Sorcha hides in the forest and watches the last of her family lift off into the sky, she knows she must seek the help of the queen of the Fair Folk.The Lady of the Forest provides a ray of hope, but it requires an unimaginable sacrifice: Sorcha must weave six shirts out of stinging nettles, casting them upon her brothers only once all six are finished so they can return to human form. But she cannot utter a single word until she has completed her task, or her beloved siblings will remain in swan form forever. The Lady can’t counter Oonagh’s curse, but she manages to temper it enough that the brothers are able to visit Sorcha twice a year, becoming human again for a day each time, which soothes her sadness though she cannot speak with them. But when a band of soldiers interrupts her painful task while seeking a lost comrade, she’s carried along in their wake, unable to protest. She plots her escape, but her plans become even more complicated as the weeks pass due to her budding feelings for their leader Hugh of Harrowfieldand the fact that Lady Oonagh still wants her transformed or dead. Daughter of the Forest is based on “The Six Swans” by the Brothers Grimm, itself a retelling of the German fairy tale of the same name and the Irish myth “The Children of Lir.” But it’s also so much more. Gorgeous writing, stunning high-fantasy settings, and a tale brimming with emotion made this one of my favorite reads when I was in my 20s. The slow-burn romance subplot is a lovely bonus. One important caveat: Marillier turns her gift for crafting immersive settings that activate all five senses toward depicting a few harrowing scenes of violence, including a brutal sexual assault. If you’re okay with giving it a go anyway, and perhaps skimming or skipping anything that feels like too much, you’ll be rewarded with lyrical writing and an achingly beautiful story. It is the first in a six-book series, but the ending feels complete enough that it can be read as a standalone. 
 —Tracy Fernandez Rysavy, Driftwood Advisor

The Driftwood #36: Podcast Picks

May 3rd, 2023

Interview Podcasts

There are some interesting people out there, so here are podcasts that interview thosepeople and tell their stories. Podcast But Outside

Podcast but Outside iconUsually podcast hosts like to interview well-known people. This may include celebrities, politicians, or even an entrepreneur. This podcast, however, adds a bit of a twist. Podcast But Outside is exactly what the title says it is, a podcast that takes place outside. The show specifically interviews random strangers that walk past their booth. It is hosted by two individuals named Cole Hersch and Andrew Michaan. The two are comedians but from different backgrounds. Andrew would perform stand-up comedy while Cole would work on comedy videos and skits. The two eventually came together to create a new and fascinating podcast. Each episode is completely unique as no guest is ever the same. The two set up their booth in a random location and wait for people to willingly be interviewed. Their booth is also not just set up in one state but all around the U.S. One of the most memorable places, in my opinion, is Hawaii. It is fascinating to hear these strangers’ stories: who they are, what they do, and their thoughts about life. The two hosts always seem to support and know how to interact well with each interviewee. I will say the show can be crude, as the strangers are allowed to speak whatever is on their mind, but for me it feels more genuine as people are being themselves. Some people have a filter and some don’t. I will never stop looking forward to each episode that comes out.

—Emma Krueger, Podcast Editor

Recess Therapy iconRecess TherapyRecess Therapy started out as a somewhat well-known Instagram account that found the Corn kid (a.k.a. Tariq, a now famous little kid who talks about corn on an episode, which was then turned into a song). It was created by 22-year-old Julian Shapiro-Barnum. He interviews children between the ages of 2 and 9 in New York City and has been sharing their stories online since 2022. He asks the kids with basic questions, such as, “What is your favorite food?” so they can further elaborate and take the wheel on where the conversations go. Recess Therapy is full of cute kids and their even cuter stories. If you love kids and the silly things they say, then this podcast (which is also a YouTube series) is for you! Recess Therapy also has an Instagram and TikTok if you’d like to give them a watch or follow. I rate the interviews with the little kids a solid 8.5/10. Each episode is sure to be entertaining and keep you intrigued.

—Jasmine Puls