The Quill #2: Recommended Reads #6

March 3, 2025

The Quill’s Flame: Females Who Changed History

Phoenix with quillLet these inspiring words fuel your passion for standing tall and leaving an unforgettable historical mark.

Women have been trailblazing change throughout history, inspiring generations with fiery words and bold actions! From fearless activists to visionary artists, their voices have reshaped our understanding of resilience and empowerment. 

“…be fearless.”

—Demi Lovato, singer, songwriter, actor, human rights activist 

“We don’t need to share the same opinions as others, but we need to be respectful.”

—Taylor Swift, singer, songwriter, actor, philanthropist

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

—Maya Angelou, scholar, poet, writer, human rights activist, and feminist
—Mia Perez-Behringer, The Quill’s Flame Editor

The Quill #2: Fictional Fiancé

March 3, 2025

For the romantics among us who like to read reviews before we shop….

Fictional Fiancé: Hugo Vega

Hugo VegaFirst appearing in the dating-simulator game Dream Daddy, created by Game Grumps, Hugo Vega is one of the many dating options a player can pick. Hugo is a middle-school English teacher who loves to wear bowties, loves the smell of books, and surprisingly is big into wrestling. This shy, nerdy dad with a secret special interest opens his heart up to you, but is he truly a good choice to date? Well, he’s in a dating-simulation game, so I’d hope, but let’s find out on this edition of Fictional Fiancé!

Gentleman Material: ★★★★★

Hugo is a respectful gentleman at heart, who shows that he likes to take things slowly, believing in careful steps in order to grow a relationship. He also puts the “manly” in gentlemanly with his hardcore wrestling interest and ability to perform said wrestling moves.

Looks: ★★★★★

Not only is this man incredibly pristine and handsome, but he also dresses dapper to boot. His image is that of a man who would hold every door and kiss your hand every time he sees you. If that doesn’t scream husband material, I don’t know what does. Also, Hugo reminds me of Harvey from Stardew Valley, so that’s a big plus. 

Affection: ★★★☆☆

Hugo is shy with his affection, but he is still affectionate even if it’s not too overt.

Charisma: ★★★☆☆

While Hugo isn’t so suave and gets flustered easily, his geeky nature is a charm all itself.

Intelligence: ★★★★★

The guy knows his stuff! Mention anything about 18th-century literature, and he will probably verbally produce an entire scholarly article.

Fanciness: ★★★★★

Hugo is a very fancy guy. He’ll take you out to taste the most delightful imported cheese and then book a reservation at the fanciest place in town.

Romanticness: ★★★★★

If you’re looking for cute and simple romance like going out for coffee together or going out to aquariums and art galleries, Hugo’s got you covered. If you’re lucky, he may even write you a romantic poem while he’s at it.

Overall Dateability: ★★★★★

It’s too bad the “sim” in dating sim stands for simulation, because otherwise I would have already proposed!

—Alex Lopez, Fictional Fiancé Editor

The Quill #2: Movie Recs #1

March 3, 2025

The Fly (1986)

The Fly movie posterWhile not recent by any means, The Fly (1986) is a masterclass in redoing a movie in style. The story follows Seth Brundle, a scientist working on the development of teleportation technology going between one empty pod and another. Attempting to test his creation, he enters one pod and, unbeknownst to him, is followed by a fly. In a split second, one being exits the other pod, and it’s Brundle, who seems … fine. For now.

The original 1958 film of the same name follows a similar plot, being based on the same short story by George Langelaan. As with most older horror films, though, it ends up reading more campy than creepy. For a film whose fear lies in how grotesque and scary it would be to turn into an insect, the comically large fly get-up comes off more hilarious than horrifying.

The 1986 remake upgrades from black-and-white mascot costumes to an intensedisplay of special effects mastery, taking the the viewing experience to another level — I’d say it’s executed more successfully here than other old horror remakes, even from recent years. The best part? It’s those good ’80’s practical effects. None of that all CGI nonsense, I’m talking prosthetics, puppets, and full-body makeup. I’ll warn you: it’s gross. But it’s awesome. To top it off, the leading man this time around is Jeff Goldblum, and as we know, he’s always an entertaining watch.

When considering all the tiring remakes we’ve been getting over the past decade, The Flyis one that won’t make you want to turn the TV off halfway through and gouge your eyes out. Or at least not for the same reasons.

Available to rent or buy on your favorite streaming sites.  

—Brooke Schoening, Movies Editor

The Quill #2: Bingeable TV #1

March 3, 2025


Wayne posterOne of my favorite, and most underrated shows is Wayne (2019). It premiered on the dreadful platform YouTube Premium (formerly known as YouTube Red), only to be canceled after one incredible season. The show follows 16-year-old Wayne McCullough (Mark McKenna) as he goes on a trip from Massachusetts to Florida to retrieve his recently deceased father’s stolen ’79 Trans Am, with the hope to change the bad hand he was dealt in life. Before he makes it out of town, though, he stops to pick up his crush, Del (Ciara Bravo), and asks her to tag along,  to which she agrees.

The show mainly follows Wayne and Del’s journey, allowing episodes to focus on specific characters to help viewers get to know who they’re rooting for. We get to watch as they meet different characters that help the two along the way before arriving at their final destination, where Wayne faces more challenges than he prepared for.

While the show prioritizes Wayne’s storyline for obvious reasons, it also follows other duos such as his best and only friend Orlando (Joshua J. Williams), who hitches a ride with their principal in search of Wayne. We also get to see scenes of Del’s father and brothers on the search for the couple, who prefer to kill Wayne rather than help him, since he ran off with their daughter/sister.

While that all sounds like a lot to cover, it’s beautifully done and well received by audience and critic ratings. Unfortunately, Wayne wasn’t as lucky as other YouTube Premium shows. Unlike Cobra Kai, Wayne has yet to be picked up by another streaming platform to receive a second season. Instead, it was moved to Prime Video, giving fans false hope that one day it would return, but it never did no matter how many people begged. This left fans with only a single season of one of the greatest shows to ever exist.

Streaming on YouTube. 

—Kendall Cox, TV Editor