The Driftwood #12: Important Campus Services

Holiday 2020

Academic Advising: Register for Spring and Summer Classes

Are you panicking because you haven’t had a spare minute to register for classes for next semester? Never fear–your academic advisor is still on duty during the winter break and ready to help you!

Make an appointment with your Student Advisor Bethany Welch anytime between now and Dec. 23, again on Dec. 28-31, or after Jan. 4, to register for Spring classes—and, starting Jan. 8th, for summer courses.

Click here to view the Spring course calendar. Change the Term to “Spring 2021” and the campus to “Marinette” to search for available in-person or hybrid classes. To find online classes, change the campus to “All” and the Mode of Instruction to “Virtual Classroom” (for classes that meet live in a virtual classroom) or “Online” (for asynchronous online classes that do not meet for live sessions).

The Summer course catalog is also available, and you can register starting on January 8th for summer classes. There is financial aid available for summer courses.

Use Navigate or e-mail Bethany at
to schedule an appointment to register!

The Driftwood #12: Winter Break Building Hours

Holiday 2020

Events IconWinter Break Hours for Campus Buildings

Our campus facilities will be open for limited hours over the winter break. See below for specific hours for each building:

Main Building:

  • Monday, December 21 – Wednesday, December 23: 7am-4:30pm
  • Thursday, December 24 – Sunday, January 3: Campus Closed
  • Monday, January 4 – Friday, January 22: 7am-4:30pm (except January 18, Campus closed for the MLK holiday)
  • Monday, January 25 : Classes Resume


  • Tuesday, December 22 – Sunday, January 10: Closed
  • Monday, January 11 – Thursday, January 14: 9am-2pm
  • Friday, January 15 – Monday, January 18: Closed for the MLK holiday.
  • Tuesday, January 19 – Friday, January 22: 9am-4:30pm
  • Saturday, January 23 – Sunday, January 24: Closed


  • December 11(1pm) – January 3: Pool Closed
  • December 12: Santa Speedo 5k
  • Building Hours December 12-December 31 (for classes only)
    • Tuesday, 5:45-9am
    • Thursday, 7:45-9am
    • Saturday, 6:45-8am
  • During the pool closure, land classes will still be on schedule:
    • Tuesday & Thursday, Yoga @ 6am
    • Tuesday, Chair Yoga @ 8am
    • Thursday, Chair Strength @ 8am
    • Saturday, Yoga @ 7am
  • January 1 – Pool Polar Plunge
  • Beginning January 4, pool & building hours will resume
    • Monday-Friday, 5am-7pm
    • Saturday, 6-10am
    • Sunday, 10am-2pm

Theatre & Fine Arts Building: CLOSED over Winter Break.

The Driftwood #12: Theatre & Arts

Holiday 2020

Stay-at-Home Entertainment Recommendations

Neil Gaiman as Charles DickensPodcast Recommendation: “Neil Gaiman Reads A Christmas Carol”—Has Charles Dickens’ timeless holiday novel A Christmas Carol been on your to-be-read list forever? The New York Public Library can help remedy that! The library recently published an episode of its podcast featuring Neil Gaiman, author of Coraline and American Gods, reading the full text of this beloved story. Any literature nerds out there may be pleased to know that Gaiman (pictured right) reads Dickens’ only surviving “prompt” copy of the book, or an annotated version he used for live readings, which is owned by the library. (WW. Norton offers a print annotated version, which includes notes from the prompt copy, if you’d like one to call your own.)

Spirit of the North game coverGame Recommendations: Spirit of the North—For a game that transports you to a winter wonderland, try Spirit of the North, which was released in July of this year. From the game developer’s description: “Spirit of the North is a single-player 3rd-person adventure game inspired by the breathtaking and mysterious landscapes of Iceland. Play as an ordinary red fox whose story becomes entwined with the guardian of the Northern Lights, a female spirit fox.” With lovely music, beautiful Nordic locales, and thought-provoking puzzles, Spirit of the North is a great game to relax with after finals. Available for Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, and on Steam.

NYBT Nutcracker imageTheatre Recommendation: The New York City Ballet presents The Nutcracker
Bummed that you won’t get to see The Nutcracker ballet in person this season? Now’s your chance to see it performed by some of the best dancers in the country, in the comfort of your home. The New York City Ballet will present The Nutcracker, as choreographed by George Balanchine, online through a variety of OnDemand sources. Tickets cost $25, and you have 48 hours to watch after you start streaming. The streamed production runs from Dec. 11 to Jan. 3. Available on AppleTV, Chromecast, Roku, Fire TV, and AndroidTV.

The Driftwood #12: Holiday Rom-Com Recommendations

Holiday 2020

2020 Holiday Rom-Coms Are More Diverse Than Ever

While cable TV juggernaut the Hallmark Channel has long been the undisputed leader in the holiday rom-com field, their films haven’t exactly been known for their diversity. Most followed a similar pattern, featuring a white, heterosexual couple in a snowy locale finding love. But as competition started coming from Netflix and others in recent years, Hallmark has had to up its game. This year brings a more diverse slate of Christmas and holiday romance films than ever before. Here are a few to consider:

Happiest Season posterHappiest Season: Kristen Stewart (Twilight) and Mackenzie Caldwell (The F Word) star in this rom-com about Abby and Harper, a lesbian couple who go to Harper’s parents’ home for the holidays. However, Harper isn’t out to her conservative family yet, so she asks Abby to stay in the friend zone during their visit. That goes about as well as you’d expect. While the movie is charming, Marinette student Serenity Block notes, “Almost every movie with a gay plot is about coming out or being gay before electricity was harnessed. I would love to see a movie where coming out is not the focal point of the story.” Available now on Hulu. 

Operation Christmas Drop posterOperation Christmas Drop: Loosely based on a true story, Operation Christmas Drop features Vampire Diaries actor Kat Graham as Erica, a congressional aide sent to assess whether a US Air Force base in Guam needs to close for budgetary reasons. There, she meets Andrew, an Air Force captain who shows her the true meaning of Christmas through the base’s tradition of airlifting holiday presents to the island country. Now available on Netflix. 

The Christmas House PosterThe Christmas House: Hell might be freezing over and pigs might have started flying on Dec. 11, when the Hallmark Channel debuted its very first LGBTQ Christmas rom-com, The Christmas House. Brandon and Jake are already a couple when the film starts, but they’ve been trying, unsuccessfully so far, to adopt a child. Will they get the Christmas present they’ve been waiting for this year? Starring One Tree Hill‘s Robert Buckley and Jonathan Bennett, whom you might know as Lindsay Lohan’s love interest in Mean Girls. Now showing on and on TV Dec. 17, 25, and 31. 

The Christmas SetupThe Christmas Set-Up: Not wanting to be left behind, the Lifetime Channel also released its first LGBTQ Christmas rom-com, The Christmas Set-Up, on Dec. 12. New York City lawyer Hugo heads to Milwaukee to spend the holidays with his brother and his mom Kate. Little does he know that Kate is getting her matchmaker on, arranging for him to run into his old friend Patrick, who was his high-school friend—and secret crush. Sparks fly, but then Hugo gets a big promotion that would require him to move to London. Will he take the higher-paying job in the cool international locale, or take a chance on a budding romance? Now showing on

Sugar and Spice Holiday A Sugar & Spice Holiday: Lifetime boasts that this holiday rom-com is the first ever to feature an all-Asian cast. When Suzie, a rising young architect, comes home to small-town Maine for Christmas, she runs into Billy, the grown-up version of the boy who stood her up for the Christmas dance in high school. When her Chinese American parents persuade her to enter the local gingerbread competition in honor of her late grandmother, Suzie ends up on a team with—you guessed it!—Billy. Will Suzie respond to Billy’s flirtation with sugar and spice, or a spatula to the side of the head? Now showing on 

Let's Meet Again posterLet’s Meet Again on Christmas Eve: College sweethearts Corinne and Rob get job offers upon graduation on opposite sides of the world. Instead of giving the long-distance thing a try, they decide to part ways, with a catch: They’ll meet two years later on Christmas Eve to see if they still feel that spark. Two years later, one shows up and the other does not. Quite a bit of time passes before they finally meet again, when they’re both hired to organize the same Christmas Eve wedding. But their romance is totally over, right? Now available on

Love Lights Hanukkah posterLove, Lights, Hanukkah!: As Christina prepares her restaurant for the holiday season, she takes a DNA test on a whim and finds out she’s Jewish. The discovery leads her to new family members and a possible romance with a cute Jewish guy named David. Now available on Showing on TV Dec. 16, 19, 25, 31.  

The Driftwood #12: Winter Rom-Com Recommendations

5 Winter Rom-Com Favorites

It wouldn’t be winter break without a bewilderingly large selection of holiday romantic comedies cranked out by the dozen from Hallmark, Lifetime, and Netflix. (Newcomer Hulu has also entered the fray this year!) If you don’t know where to start, Professor Rysavy’s Intro to Creative Writing class has some recommendations.

Any Holiday Movie on the Hallmark Channel: Says student Kianna Bulin, “I love all of the Hallmark movies! I would always sit down on the couch with my mom and binge watch literally all of the ones that would appear that day or weekend. Most of them have the same story in the end. They all find love, and I think that’s very inspiring. It’s basically showing that everyone and anyone can find love unexpectedly or on purpose. It’s pretty cool.”

A Royal Christmas posterA Royal Christmas: Emily Taylor, a sweet and humble Philadelphia seamstress, is thrilled when her incredible boyfriend Leo finally pops the question with the holidays right around the corner. But his proposal includes a tiny little detail he’d never mentioned before…he’s actually Prince Leopold, heir to the throne in a small European country! When Leo’s mother, Queen Isedora, finds out about the engagement, she’s furious that her son plans to marry a commoner without her blessing, so she invites the pair to spend Christmas in Cordinia and attempts to sabotage their relationship at every turn. Will the Queen succeed in driving Leo and Emily apart, or will true love be able to conquer all the challenges standing in the way of their happily ever after? A Royal Christmas​ is the perfect mixture of the stories of ​Cinderella​, ​The Princess Diaries​, and Prince William and Kate. Like all Hallmark rom-coms, it’s cliché and predictable and wholly unrealistic, but hey—that’s what makes them so freaking irresistible. If you’re like me, a total sucker for romantic Christmas movies (especially royal ones!), then this film is for you! Watch on Saturday, Dec. 26, on the Hallmark Channel, or buy it for $9.99 on Amazon. —Mallory Allen

Merry Kissmas posterMerry Kissmas: Kayla is engaged to Carlton, a conceited film and stage choreographer who treats her poorly. One day, she runs into Dustin, a gentleman who is a caterer, on an elevator ride, and the two share a magical kiss. While Kayla is instantly attracted and intrigued by Dustin, Carlton begins to treat Kayla well, and Dustin becomes distant. Kayla must sort out her feelings and decide who her heart is truly with. Who will she pick? Available on Amazon Prime. —Mara Allen

A Princess for ChristmasA Princess For Christmas: A classic “ordinary girl,” Jules, and her family try to fit in at an estranged, wealthy family member’s manor. She falls in love with a princely bachelor, all while trying to keep her family together and give them a nice Christmas. Little does she know there’s more to him than meets the eye. Available now on Netflix. Jasmine Hanson

Sense Sensibility and Snowmen posterSense, Sensibility, and Snowmen:  Anyone who’s had me in a literature class knows I love Jane Austen. I was surprised to discover that I’d missed an Austen-inspired holiday rom-com that debuted last winter on the Hallmark Channel: Based off a similarly named Austen novel, Sense, Sensibility, and Snowmen “centers on Christmas enthusiast party planners Ella and her sister, Marianne, who clash with their client, Edward, a not-so-jolly toy company CEO.”
You’d think that I’d know better than to get anywhere near this movie, having been burned one too many times by Hallmark’s modern-day updates of Austen’s works. After the bewilderingly terrible Unleashing Mr. Darcy (a 2016 film that set Pride and Prejudice in the dog-show world); Christmas at Pemberley Manor (the movie version of a Lunesta pill, from 2018); and Pride, Prejudice, and Mistletoe (an equally sleep-inducing offering, also from 2018), I should be way too jaded to give this thing a try.
Am I going to watch it anyway? Yes. Yes, I will.  Will I probably want to gouge my eyes out with a nutcracker’s tiny little fist if I do? Sigh. Probably. Fortunately, I know several more Austen fans whom I can drag down with me. (Looking at you, Bethany Welch….)
Available on YouTube Movies or to buy from Amazon and other streaming sites. —Professor Tracy Fernandez Rysavy

Dear Santa posterDear Santa: When privileged big-city socialite Crystal Carruthers is given an ultimatum by her parents—either find a way to change her irresponsible ways or she’ll be cut off—she’s left with no idea how to be a part of something bigger than herself. Then, Crystal finds a letter written by a seven-year-old named Olivia asking Santa Claus to bring her widowed father a new wife. Fearing the little girl’s heart will be broken if her wish doesn’t come true, Crystal tracks this father-daughter pair down and begins volunteering at Derek’s struggling soup kitchen, making it her mission to win the duo over by Christmas and in turn, prove to everyone who believes she’s nothing but a rich party girl that there’s more to her than they all thought. Full of love, laughter, and tons of heartwarming cheer, ​Dear Santa​ is the perfect romantic comedy to remind us all of the true meaning of Christmas this holiday season! Available on PeacockTV (free version).Mallory Allen

Deadpool posterDeadpool: I’m not a huge rom-com person so I’m saying Deadpool because that is totally a Valentine’s romance movie and February is still winter. Wade Wilson has a very healthy and secure relationship with his  girlfriend in the movie. He even killed lots of bad guys to save her. Sounds romantic to me. Available on Hulu and for rental on other sites. —Derek Jepson

The Driftwood #12: Winter Movies

Holiday 2020

8 More Winter Movie Recommendations

Creative Writing Student Gabe Butler respectfully declined to recommend a holiday rom-com, saying, “Honestly, Hallmark movies are annoying to me. There are so many that have the exact same plots, same actors, same tropes but are never the exact same movie. For example, let’s look at Christmas Princess and A Princess for Christmas. Same actress in both movies, same plot, etc. However, they’re still not related?? What a racket!!”

Just so Gabe doesn’t feel left out, here are some more winter or holiday movies to enjoy this season:

Polar Express posterThe Polar Express: This movie came out in 2004, so you will get to experience some terrible and outdated animation while watching this Christmas classic. Also, are you a fan of Tom Hanks? If you said yes, I have some great news for you: Hanks plays adult Hero Boy, Hero Boy’s father, a hobo, Santa Claus, puppet Ebenezer Scrooge, and the conductor in the film. Not only does he play all those roles, he also plays most of them without different voices for each character! The Polar Express has a child-like wonder about it, so anything bad about the movie is made up for with this mood. Available on FuboTV or to rent from Amazon and other services. —Serenity Block

Eloise posterEloise at Christmastime: I’ve watched this movie since I was four, yet I still love it to this day … no shame! Eloise, a vibrant, nosy, sucker-for-all-things-romance six-year-old living in New York’s Plaza Hotel. wishes for the perfect Christmas for all of her friends and family. But when the hotel owner’s daughter comes back to get married on Christmas Eve, Eloise believes that she isn’t in love with her soon-to-be husband, and can’t help but try to intervene to help her find true love—a few days before the elegant ceremony is set to take place. Can she do it? Available on DVD through the Disney Store. —Mara Allen

Elf posterElf: I would consider the movie Elf to be my favorite Christmas movie. I watch it every year because I just find it hilarious and just overall a good movie to watch! Available on Starz and for rental on other streaming sites.Kianna Bulin

Jingle All the Way posterJingle All the Way: Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad, this film is a fantastic example of how late-term capitalism can tear apart a family, especially during the holidays. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a successful businessman who forgets to buy his son the one thing he wants for Christmas, a Turboman doll. On his quest to find the most popular toy in the whole country, he meets a deranged mailman played by Sinbad, who wants to help Arnold. Wacky hijinks ensue from that point on. Available to rent from Amazon and other streaming sites.  —Gabe Butler

Nightmare posterThe Nightmare Before Christmas: Two students recommended this film, which is available on Disney+ and for rent on several other streaming sites:

  • First of all, it’s good for two holidays. Second, the music is the best. —Taryn Cross
  • I love The Nightmare Before Christmas, mostly because of the music, even though I don’t celebrate Christmas myself. I love “This is Halloween,” “Sandy Claws,” all the music. Marilyn Manson’s cover is phenomenal. I listen to the soundtrack regularly throughout the year. —Derek Jepson

Grinch posterHow the Grinch Stole Christmas: A beloved Christmas movie that’s about Christmas being for everyone and how joy comes from being with the people you love, not the materialistic gifts that one gives and gets. The character of the Grinch is a source of comedy as well, which will keep you laughing and loving the grumpy character as he goes through a “change of heart” about what the true meaning of Christmas is. Available on Netflix and for rental elsewhere. —Jasmine Hanson

Man Who Invented posterThe Man Who Invented Christmas: Celebrated Victorian author Charles Dickens was riding high on the success of his bestselling novel Oliver Twist, but his three subsequent books were all major flops. Since he’s spent himself into debt renovating his London townhouse, he has to write another bestseller before his creditors come calling. His publishers are demanding a Christmas novel, and he’s all over the idea. There’s just one problem: He has a raging case of writer’s block. Based on the true story of how Dickens came to write A Christmas Carol, this film is a warm, fuzzy delight. If you’re at all familiar with the main beats of the holiday classic novel, you’ll be entranced by the story inspiration Dickens finds all throughout this lovely film. Starring Downton Abbey‘s Dan Stevens as Charles Dickens and Christopher Plummer as the Scrooge who’s slowly taking shape in his imagination. Available to rent from Amazon and other streaming sites. —Professor Tracy Fernandez Rysavy

Home Alone 2 posterHome Alone 2: Lost in New York: Home Alone 2 is my favorite holiday movie. It is a laughter-filled movie yet also heartwarming in certain points. Watching Kevin defeat the bandits is hilarious. Available on Disney+ and for rental on other streaming sites. —Hailey Miller

Jingle Jangle poster Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey: Featuring a predominantly Black cast, including Oscar-winner Forest Whitaker, Jingle Jangle serves up a steampunk holiday tale about a jaded toymaker (Whitaker) whose heart grows three sizes after a visit from his sweet little granddaughter. Also starring Anika Noni Rose (aka Princess Tiana from The Princess and the Frog), Puerto Rican music star Ricky Martin, and comedian Keegan-Michael Key. Now available on Netflix. —Professor Tracy Fernandez Rysavy

The Driftwood #12: Library News

Holiday 2020

Library Winter Break Hours

Just a reminder that the Marinette Campus library will operate on reduced hours over break. Due to COVID, the library is still only open to UWGB students and faculty/staff.

Library Winter Break Hours

  • Tuesday, December 22 – Sunday, January 10: Closed
  • Monday, January 11 – Thursday, January 14: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  • Friday, January 15 – Monday, January 18: Closed for the MLK holiday.
  • Tuesday, January 19 – Friday, January 22: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, January 23 – Sunday, January 24: Closed

The Driftwood #12: Recommended Reads

Holiday 2020

Fiction: Darling Jim by Christian Moerk

Darling Jim coverIf you’re not into holiday cheer, how about a dark and creepy psychological suspense? The tragically underrated Darling Jim begins with Dublin mailman Niall discovering the diary of one of the three Walsh sisters, two of whom were recently found dead, along with their aunt, in their home. As Niall delves into Fiona Walsh’s journal, he becomes wrapped up in how itinerant storyteller Jim Quick came to their Dublin suburb, enveloping local audiences in his seductive charisma.

At first, Jim’s stories seemed to be all Irish myth and charm, according to the diary. But it soon became clear that he’d cast himself as a snarling, murderous wolf in his dark talesand he saw the women who crossed his path as easy prey. The sisters soon realized that the man who looked like a bad-boy hero out of a romance novel might actually have been a murderous psychopath. And they knew they had to bring him down.

When Fiona’s diary ends abruptly, Niall goes off in search of the rest of the story, discovering yet another piece of the puzzle in the form of Roisin Walsh’s journal. What really happened to the two deceased Walsh sisters? And where is Aoife, the third? Niall is determined to discover the truth, but he may not if Darling Jim discovers him first.

Fair warning: The opening frame story is terrible, but the rest of Darling Jim is a masterful layering of psychological suspense with Irish fairy tales. The compelling plot and deep characterization both moved and terrified me. Skim through the first chapter in Niall’s point of view and get to the diary as quickly as you can. Once you do, I guarantee you won’t be able to put it down.

—Tracy Fernandez Rysavy, Driftwood Advisor

The Driftwood #12: Sports & Fitness

Holiday 2020

Cross Country Skiing in Marinette County

Cross-Country skiier

One of the best things about living in the North Woods is the availability gorgeous and free cross-country skiing available. As soon as we get our first significant snow, it’ll be time to hit the trails!

If you have a set of skis, bring them with you when you return from winter break! We have groomed ski trails in Marinette County at the following locations:

You can get updates on trail conditions at the Marinette County website and the Skinny Ski website.

Please note that you’ll need a daily pass or annual sticker to park at and use state park trails. For more information, visit the WI state parks website.

We haven’t yet heard of any local cross-country ski rental locations. If you know of any—or know of other local trails we didn’t mention—please email Professor Rysavy, and she’ll put them into the next Driftwood.

The Driftwood #12: Self-Care Corner

Holiday 2020

Warm Drinks to Soothe Stress

Cup of tea with gingerbreadThere’s a reason the English solve just about any problem, in part, with a cup of tea. A warm beverage can often soothe stress and worry, at least a little.

Try the following suggestions for a cup of winter cheer over finals and beyond:

  • Chamomile tea: Known in Latin America as “manzanilla,” chamomile tea has been used for hundreds of years there to help soothe a host of ailments, from stomachaches, to colds, to insomnia. Chamomile is especially known for its relaxation properties, so it’s great for reducing stress. In addition, an article in Medical News Today notes that some studies show chamomile may help lower blood sugar, lessen menstrual cramps, slow or prevent osteoporosis, and maybe even target cancer cells.
  • Peppermint Tea: If you want a more flavorful tea than chamomile, peppermint tea also helps with sleep and stomach problems.
  • Green Tea: Instead of reaching for a Red Bull when you’re cramming for exams, try a cup of green tea. It’ll give you a caffeine boost, plus a shot of cancer-fighting antioxidants and stress-reducing theanine. If you don’t need the caffeine, drink a decaf version.
  • Mulled Cider: The scent alone is enough to send you to your happy place, but mulled, or spiced, cider tastes as good as it smells. See the “Cooking at Home” section for a delicious mulled cider recipe.
  • Almond and Maple Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate is always a sweet treat. For a slightly healthier version than the norm, try this recipe, made with almond milk and maple syrup.
  • Cold Formula Blended Teas: Some tea companies, like Traditional Medicinals or The Republic of Tea, offer tea blends made with cold-soothing herbs like hyssop, ginger, yarrow, or slippery elm bark.
  • Echinacea Tea: Research shows that echinacea helps support the immune system, which can only be a good thing during the challenging winter months to come. Look for teas that include echinacea purpurea, the most beneficial type, according to several scientific studies.