Driftwood #16: Campus News

April 5, 2021

Take Our Diversity Survey; Win Prizes!

typewriter with diversity on the paperYour faculty and staff at UWGB are working hard to make all four campuses more diverse and supportive environments, and we could use your help. Do your part, and you could win a free gift card!

UWGB students have already received an email invitation to participate in the Diverse Learning Environments (DLE) Survey. The purpose of this survey is to assess our campuses when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion in and out of the classroom. We’re asking students to please take this survey by Tuesday, April 20th.

Each student received their own individual link, so please search your email for yours, sent on February 28th from heri@vainc.net. The survey is fully anonymous, and is administered by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA.

Get prizes! In addition to helping to better our campuses, all students who complete the Campus Climate survey are eligible to win a $20 Amazon e-card via two random drawings. We have a total of 150 cards to give away!

If you have any questions, you may contact Dr. Stacie Christian, UWGB Director of Inclusive Excellence and the Pride Center.

“What Were You Wearing” Exhibit Now Open

To honor the fact that April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the UWGB Healthy Choices Task Force is hosting a “What Were You Wearing?” exhibit on the Marinette campus in room M-109, April 5-29, 2021. The exhibit is open 8:00 a.m. – 4:40 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The “What Were You Wearing” exhibit provides a tangible response to one of our culture’s most pervasive myths, namely, that if a person was sexually assaulted, they must have been wearing revealing clothing to “ask for” the attack. Exhibit outfits have been recreated from the stories of student-survivors.

If you need help or healing for sexual assault, please visit one of the following resources:

Food Pantry Volunteer Opportunity

Scouting for Food logoLocal Boy Scout troops are currently conducting a “Scouting for Food” food drive, and they could use your help. The Scouts are seeking volunteers of all ages to assist with picking up and sorting non-perishable food donations from Marinette, Oconto, and Crandon.

All volunteers will meet on Saturday, April 17th from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon.

Your volunteer hours help the Boy Scouts support local food pantries, run by the nonprofit Newcap. Inc. (formerly the Northeast Wisconsin Community Action Program).

Please contact Tammy at (920) 373-6872 if you’d like to volunteer.

Driftwood #16: Movie Recommendations

April 5, 2021

Childhood Classics

A look back at movies we loved as kids, which still hold up for a nostalgia-watch today.  

Cinderella Story posterA Cinderella Story: After Samantha Montgomery’s adoring father dies, her greedy stepmother and vain stepsisters do their best to make her life miserable, forcing her to do lowly jobs at the family diner and wait on them hand and foot. The California teen finds comfort in her dreams of attending college at Princeton and by communicating with her secret online pen-pal. Although Sam is stunned when “Nomad” turns out to be Austin Ames—her school’s handsome, charismatic, popular quarterback—the pair shares an intimate waltz at the Halloween dance before Sam rushes away without telling him her name, accidentally leaving behind her cell phone as the only clue. Can Austin find the beautiful, mysterious, enchanting girl he calls “Cinderella”? Or, as Sam fears, will his attraction towards her fade once he learns her true identity? There are five modern-day retellings in the A Cinderella Story series; this one is the first, and in my opinion, the best! Featuring Gen-Z heartthrobs Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray, this 2004 film is one of those classic rom-coms that never loses its charm, regardless of how many times I watch it. With its swoon-worthy romantic drama and happy fairy-tale ending, A Cinderella Story offers viewers the same type of magic found in Disney’s original Cinderella. No matter how old I get, this movie will always be one of my favorite childhood throwbacks to rewatch over and over again! Available free on YouTube Movies.

—Mallory Allen, Movies Editor
Mr Nobody posterMr. Nobody: Mr. Nobody is a film from 2009 by director Jaco Van Dormael, telling the life’s story of an old man through his aging mind. This film is quite interesting, as it weaves and bobs between three different timelines that may or may not be real at all. It is quite a trip to watch, but this was the first time as a young adult I felt challenged by a film as it spins its story and changes it just as soon as you think you understand. It is not only a beautifully shot film, but one that ever since childhood I find myself going back to over and over again. Check it out on Amazon Prime or anywhere else movies are able to stream.
—Sydney Sebert

Driftwood #16: The Trash Vortex

April 5, 2021

Welcome to the Trash Vortex, the entertainment black holes that never fail to suck you in and won’t let go until the trashy, so-bad-it’s-good end. 

Trashy Movies Based on Young-Adult Novels

I’m sure everyone has uttered the words, “The book was better,” after watching a movie adaption, but sometimes both are just equally bad. Here are the Driftwood staff’s picks for movies based on books that are trashy all around.

Kissing Booth posterThe Kissing Booth: Elle and Lee are best friends in eleventh grade at a prestigious school in, of course, Los Angeles. They have been friends since birth as their mothers were best friends as well, and their friendship is based around a running list of rules. Elle has a crush on Lee’s older brother, Noah Flynn, and after the two share a kiss during a kissing booth, set up by Elle and Lee’s Dance Team, the two run around in a passionate and secret relationship. When Lee discovers their affair, he is enraged that Elle would betray one of their rules, “Rule #9: Relatives of your best friends are off-limits,” and claims he can no longer be friends with Elle or associate with his brother. Elle must decide whether she should save her relationship with Noah or Lee.

The Kissing Booth was a novel by Beth Reekles on the website Wattpad, which I mentioned in my previous Trash Vortex article, and it was published officially by Penguin Random House in 2012. The movie and its dialogue sound as if the script was the printed out copy of the Wattpad novel, mixed with phrases a 47-year-old man thinks are popular among Generation Z (baller, lady-bump, a clique called the “OMG Girls” who are as bad as they sound, etc.). The actors hired look far too old to be playing 15-18-year-olds, and their performances are average at best. The drama and cliches are packed to the absolute max in this movie, which makes it nearly unbearable to watch. Noah Flynn is known for being aggressive within the school, yelling and swinging punches at the slightest rise in his temper, yet Elle follows after every single one of his explosions. This movie doesn’t really advertise the best ideals for high schoolers, yet the over-the-top acting and disconnected dialogue makes you want to keep watching, which is why both the book and movie adaptions fit so perfectly in the Trash Vortex. Available on Netflix. 

—Kira Doman, Entertainment Editor

Whip It PosterWhip It: Bliss Cavendar’s mom dreams of her daughter following in her footsteps and becoming a beauty pageant queen. Bliss dreams of something else entirely: though she’s not sure what, she knows prancing around in gowns and bikinis before a panel of judges isn’t it. Then, a chance meeting with three members of the Hurl Scouts, a local roller derby team, leads her to sneak out of her parents’ house to attend one of their bouts. Even though the Hurl Scouts unceremoniously lose to the Holy Rollers, she’s hooked.

Going behind her mother’s back, Bliss tries out for the Scouts and makes it. She’s immediately christened “Babe Ruthless,” the team’s alternate “jammer,” whose job it is to score points by lapping members of the opposing team on the raised circular track. The rest of Whip It involves her realizing her talent for skating, romancing a deep-and-misunderstood guitar player, and fending off the heavy-handed intimidation attempts of the Holy Roller team members. Meanwhile, the Scouts seek to pull themselves out of the bottom of the local derby standings and win their first championship. Will Bliss get a chance to prove herself on the track? Is her new boyfriend too good to be true? And can her team beat the annoyingly smug Holy Rollers to win it all—before her mom finds out what she’s been doing and pulls her away from roller derby for good?

I haven’t read the book that Whip It is based on—Derby Girl by Shauna Cross—but the film is ridiculous, of course, and also fun and empowering. Whip It is directed by Drew Barrymore and stars Elliot Page (then as Ellen Page). Available on Starz and to rent on other streaming services.

Tracy Fernandez Rysavy, Driftwood Advisor 

Monte Carlo movie posterMonte Carlo: Monte Carlo was one of my favorite movies when I was young—I mean, what little girl wouldn’t dream about going on an exotic European vacation, falling in love with a cute boy, and getting to live like a princess for a few days? What I didn’t know back then was that this 2011 Disney-esque young adult film is based on a book called Headhunters, written by famous director/author Jules Bass a decade earlier. This movie’s plot is so unrealistic, and it’s full of an abundance of clichés and eyeroll-inducing moments, but that didn’t stop me from re-watching it (for the hundredth time) last week. Monte Carlo is so bad that it’s good—perfect for the Trash Vortex!

Grace Bennett, a recent high school graduate from small-town Texas, has been saving up for years to earn a trip to Paris with her best friend, Emma. Joining them begrudgingly at the behest of Grace’s worried parents is her older stepsister, Meg. After a disastrous first few days in the City of Lights, the girls’ luck suddenly turns around. Grace is mistaken for a spoiled British heiress named Cordelia Winthrop-Scott and, deciding to go along with the ruse, the trio finds themselves being whisked away on a luxury vacation to Monte Carlo. It’s all fun and games at first, as they enjoy the opulence of their all-expenses-paid trip. But things get tricky when the girls’ guilt about lying starts setting in, when real romantic feelings for their foreign suitors develop, and worst of all, when Cordelia discovers their scheme…. Starring Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester, and Katie Cassidy, along with their accurately dubbed “ding dang delicious” love interests—Luke Bracey, Pierre Boulanger, and the late Cory Monteith—Monte Carlo is the perfect fun, silly, guilty-pleasure book-turned-movie! Available to rent on Amazon and other streaming services. 

—Mallory Allen

Driftwood #16: Gamers’ Corner

April 5, 2021

Games for Exploring 

Most people have favorites for a whole slew of things, from food, to seasons, to even favorite socks (Jasmine’s are white ones with a rainbow around the band). Well, below are our all-time favorite games, ones that we find both chill and enjoyable, and perhaps a bit nostalgic as well:

Sims 4
Editor’s Verdict: All-Around Winner

Sims iconAs the Sims say in Simlish, Sul Sul! Sims 4, the fourth major game in the Sims franchise, is an immersive simulation game that allows you to create your “sim” (character) and live out their best (or worst) life. Find their true love, adopt a pet, go on vacation to a beautiful resort world, and more while in “live” mode. Or, if you want to take a break from that, you can build your own houses, mansions, community lots, or anything else your heart desires in “build” mode. With a multitude of expansion packs that you can choose from to spice up your game play, plenty of neighborhoods and secret lots to explore, stunning graphics that submerge you for perhaps hours on end, and a nostalgia value for someone who has played the previous Sims games, this game definitely earns the “All-Around Winner” verdict this week. Available from Maxis on Origin, as well as PS4, Xbox One, and other platforms. 

—Jasmine Hanson
Mini Ninjas
Editor’s Verdict: Honorable Mention

Mini Ninjas imageMini Ninjas is an action-adventure game released in 2010. Set on Ninja Mountain, the game has you play as Hiro, a young ninja forced to leave his dojo to save his ninja friends from the evil samurai Ashida. As you find your friends along the way, your traveling party and skillset expands more. This game focuses on intense action and lets the player learn new moves and ninja magic as the game progresses, making it a game you won’t want to quit playing. The imagery of the different worlds throughout the game is beautiful, and as many times as I’ve played this game, I’ve always discovered something new. Mini Ninjas is pure fun with lots of replayability, which earns it the “Honorable Mention” verdict this week! Available from IO Interactive on Steam for Windows, as well as Xbox 360, and Playstation 3, and other platforms.

—Sydney Sebert

Driftwood #16: Recommended Reads

Looking for a page-turner while you’re social distancing? Our Driftwood staff provides some of our favorite light reading picks to pass the time while cooped up at home. 

Pushing the Limits Series

by Katie McGarry

book coveresDysfunctional home lives and chance foster care placements brought Kentucky teens Noah, Isaiah, and Beth together; they’ve forged a bond so tight that they’ve become family. On the outside, the members of this trio are tough, independent, battle-tested teenagers…yet, what they hide from the rest of the world is how broken they really are—haunted by heartbreaking and dangerous demons, both past and present. These YA romance books by Katie McGarry have been some of my all-time favorites for many years! If they sound like they’re up your alley, you can read them either in order as a series or as standalones.
  • Book #1: Pushing the Limits: Noah Hutchins used to be the golden boy, but after losing his parents in a house fire, being separated from his two young brothers, and bouncing around the foster care system, the perfect existence he once had is nothing more than a distant memory. Echo Emerson’s idyllic life ceased to exist once her beloved older brother died in Afghanistan, her parents’ marriage fell apart, and one of her mother’s bipolar episodes nearly resulted in her killing her own daughter. The school’s “Bad Boy” and “Miss Popular” are an unlikely team, but in order for Noah to get custody of his siblings and for Echo to unravel the mystery of what happened on that fateful night she nearly died, they must work together…and maybe they’ll even fall in love along the way.
  • Book #2: Dare You To: Growing up in a trailer park with her father in prison and a drug-addicted alcoholic as a mother, Beth Risk’s life has been the furthest thing from easy. Then, at the beginning of her senior year, she’s forced to transfer schools and move in with her rich, estranged uncle and his snide wife. Ryan Stone appears to have it all—money, good looks, and a real talent for playing baseball—but his family has lots of secrets, and they aren’t as perfect as everyone thinks. Although Ryan and Beth initially can’t stand each other, what begins as a simple dare slowly morphs into an improbable friendship and, eventually, a burning attraction neither can ignore. But when Beth’s troublesome past continues to plague the new, happy life she’s built, she and Ryan will have to find out if love can truly conquer all.
  • Book #3: Crash Into You: With his tattoos, piercings, and don’t-mess-with-me-or-else attitude, Isaiah Walker looks the part of the parentless foster care kid who grew up on the streets. Rachel Young is a beautiful heiress, and everything her older sister isn’t: painfully shy, a tomboy, but most importantly, still alive. All Rachel’s parents and four big brothers want is for her to make speeches on Colleen’s behalf about curing cancer, and she agrees…even if it means hiding the severe panic attacks that occur as a result. A shared passion for fast cars and street racing leads to a brief encounter between Isaiah and Rachel, but what happens that night puts both their lives in jeopardy, and the pair has just six weeks to come up with a way to pay off a dangerous, maniacal street thug seeking revenge. Will this star-crossed love affair between the “perfect” girl and the boy from the wrong side of the tracks end in tragedy or happily ever after?
—Mallory Allen

Then She Was Gone
by Lisa JewellThen She Was Gone coverTen years ago, Laurel’s golden child, Ellie, mysteriously disappeared without a trace. The police came to the conclusion that Ellie simply ran away, but Laurel thought differentlyand she still does even a decade later. When Laurel starts dating the charming Floyd, she thinks she might be able to finally move on from her daughter’s disappearance. But then she meets Floyd’s daughter, Polly, who looks startling like her precious Ellie, and Laurel wonders if there is more to Ellie’s disappearance to uncover. I’ve reread this book several times, and it remains one of my favorites still. Lisa Jewell writes the “disappearance-with-a-twist” trope well, without being cliché or too predictable. One of the things I love best about this book is that it’s clear what happened to Ellie, but the circumstances surrounding her disappearance are not. If you’re a fan of Gone Girl, I can’t recommend this book enough!

—Olivia Meyer, Books Editor

Driftwood #16: Music Recs

April 5, 2021

Indie Album Picks

These indie picks are sure to pique your interest as we bring you the albums that make us smile and inspire us—and that not a lot of people know very well.

by Lorde

Melodrama album coverOne of my all-time favorite albums is Lorde’s 2017 album, Melodrama. Despite this album being almost four years old, and since we’re still waiting on Lorde to release new music, I continuously find myself returning to Melodrama for its intricate rhythms and unique songwriting. Lorde proves that truly good music can withstand time. On “Homemade Dynamite,” Lorde uses an explosive metaphor to describe meeting someone for the first time. The track “Supercut” feels like something straight out of a teen coming-of-age movie. This album only produced one single, “Green Light,” but I’d encourage new listeners to give the whole album a try and see how talented Lorde is as a songwriter.

Favorite tracks: “Writer in the Dark” and “Sober”

—Olivia Meyer
Heavy Weather
by Weather Report

Heavy Weather album coverHeavy Weather by Weather Report is a legendary album in the jazz genre. It is a staple for any jazz listener and for good reason. The artists that make up Weather Report felt the need to change up what jazz can sound like, using older jazz techniques as well as new electronics of the time to create a sound no one had heard before. Every tune is jam worthy, yet a marvel to listen to as you discover a new sound every time you listen.

Favorite track: “Birdland”

—Sydney Sebert, Music Editor

Driftwood #16: Anime Hub

April 5, 2021

A Scary Pick and a Twist on a Classic

Attack on Titan
Editor’s Verdict: Fright Night

Attack on Titan posterEver wondered what it’d be like to battle against monstrously-sized, human-eating Titans while living in a city encased in ginormous walls? Well, if you have or haven’t, Attack on Titan offers action-packed, heart-pounding sequences of just that, interspersed with charismatic characters, drama that is large enough to surmount the Titans themselves, and a mystery of how the Titans came to be in the first place, the latter of which is somehow linked to the main protagonist, Eren Jaeger’s family history. Amusing moments with the lovable characters help take the edge off of the frightening Titan attacks, and a gripping plot will have you wanting to watch more, giving this anime the “Fright Night” verdict for this week. Available on Funimation and other streaming platforms.

Moriarty the Patriot
Editor’s Verdict: All-Around Winner

Moriarty posterMost have heard of, if not read, the popular detective novels about Sherlock Holmes and faithful companion John Watson by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Well, this anime is about getting to see the other side of those stories, with the protagonist being the elusive, dashing, and cunning William James Moriarty—Sherlock’s arch-nemesis—and William’s brothers Albert and Louis. Moriarty the Patriot follows the lives of these three brothers and their group of companions as they bring about retribution for crimes against working-class people. With crafty characters, interesting crimes,and a compelling plot that takes a look at class differences in the1800s, this anime gets the “All-Around Winner” verdict this week. Available on Funimation and other streaming platforms.

—Jasmine Hanson, Anime Editor

Driftwood #16: Health & Fitness

April 5, 2021

Strength-Training Workout #2: Squats

person lifting weightsNow that we’ve covered a little bit of how you can tone your upper-body muscles, it’s time to make a rotation and focus on your lower-body muscles. Your legs and thighs also need attention; without them, you wouldn’t be able to do half of the things you’d do throughout your day; since they’re the core support of your entire body.

Squat workouts are a little different compared to push workouts; your lower body can handle more weights and endure a higher quantity of reps (reps is short for “repetitions”). However, while squat workouts can be made easy, you will only see results if your form is correct. The wrong form can lead to a risky workout—which, in turn, will lead your body to become prone to major injuries.

Little tip for squat workouts: use a weightlifting belt. A weightlifting belt has two main purposes. It reduces stress on the lower back while the person is lifting in an upright position, and it prevents back hyperextension. It reduces low back stress by compressing the contents of the abdominal cavity.

In this issue, we’ll be going over a “barbell squat,” which is primarily a workout that includes a barbell (45-pound metal bar), two weight plates, and a workout station.

How to perform squats:

  1. Stand with feet hip- or shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place the barbell just above the shoulders on the trapezius muscles (i.e., the “meaty” part of the shoulders).
  3. Bend the knees and lower into a squat. Stop when your knees are at 90-degree angles or before you lose the natural arch of your back.
  4. Contract the glutes and legs while stabilizing your body with a strong torso.
  5. Slowly stand back up without locking the knees.
  6. Repeat for 1–3 sets of 10–16 repetitions.

Here is a YouTube Video for better visualization!

—Bruce Kong, Health & Fitness Editor

Driftwood #16: Self-Care Corner

April 5, 2021

All About the Mind

Gratitude Journal templateIt always takes a while to get back into the grind after coming back from the relaxation time that is Spring Break. And with coming back comes the stress of continuing homework and preparations for upcoming finals. We compiled some things that should help you out as you get back into the groove.

Gratitude Pages: Gratitude pages are a great thing both when you’re creating them and after they’re finished. One page idea is a list of everything that you are grateful for, appreciative of, and that makes you feel happy. The second is a compliments list, which is just a list of the compliments you may receive. Both are nice to hang up or to look upon when you are feeling down or stressed. They can remind you of the good things in life and that there are things to keep pushing forward and fighting for.

Compliments Journal templateSee the images included here for some ideas of things to include and some basic layouts if you wish to give this a try. And I shall also give you your first compliment on the second image!

Ideas for Grateful List:

  • Family/Guardians/Friends/Teachers/etc.
  • Pets
  • Favorite foods/drinks
  • Seasons
  • Hobbies
  • Weather
  • Smells
  • Breaks
  • Being you!
—Jasmine Hanson

Meditation Apps 

rocks stacked by the oceanFor something that’s supposed to calm you and leave you feeling relaxed, meditation can be kind of taxing sometimes. Soon you’ll realize that you’ve given up on meditating and have put on another episode of your favorite TV show. Meditation is supposed to help reduce stress, control anxiety, generate kindness, and improve sleep. So, how do you finally buckle down and do it? There is a simple solution: apps. Meditation apps are a great complement to a mindfulness practice as they help you meditate anytime, anywhere, putting the power of mindfulness meditation in the palm of your hand.

So, what apps are recommended for finding your meditation groove? Here you’ll find your leading choices, as well as why each one might work best for you. All of the apps below are available on the Apple Store and Google Play.

  1. Headspace: One of the most well-known meditation apps out there, and great for beginners. Cost: $7.99 to $12.99 per month after trial.
  2. Calm: The #1 app for sleep and meditation. Cost: Free, though there is a paid version with additional content. 
  3. Insight Timer: This app has many of the most experienced mindfulness teachers on it, and allows you the freedom to pick and choose depending on how long you have to practice. Cost: Free.
  4. Aura: Fans of Aura like it for its daily meditations, life coaching, nature sounds, stories, and music, which are all personalized based on the mood you select when you open the app. Cost: Free.
—Bruce Kong

Cultivate Mindfulness

Mindfulness sign near windowSometimes, we just need to sit down and enter into some mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that came out of Buddhism but has now entered the mainstream. It’s when you focus on what you are sensing and feeling. According to the American Psychological Association, the benefits of mindfulness include stress reduction, a boost to memory and focus, and more.

Below is a list of activities you could do to cultivate mindfulness.

  1. Sit down and actually enjoy your food. Take time to taste every bite instead of rushing through your meal.
  2. Grab a coloring book and take a break to color. Focus on the color going on the paper, how the pencil or marker feels in your hand, etc.
  3. Go outside and enjoy nature. Take a walk on the trail and listen to the sounds around you. It’s relaxing to hear the wind blowing through the trees and the birds chirping in the distance.
  4. Take time to focus on your breathing. Download an app to follow. Bruce mentions a bunch in his meditation article this issue (above). If you don’t want to download an app, you could try taking time to count your breaths every so often throughout the day.
  5. Make time for writing. Check out Jasmine’s article in this issue on gratitude pages, which may help you be more mindful about the good things in your life. Writing can also help you get out feeling that you may have been holding in.
—Angel Wolske, Self-Care Editor

Driftwood #16: Buy Local

April 5, 2021

Local Pubs for Casual Dining

Hagemeister ParkSometimes you don’t really feel like getting anything too extravagant to eat, just a quick lunch, or a small meal before an event. Pubs are a great place to find a speedy meal like a burger, some soup, a sandwich, or a variety of appetizers, and if you’re over the age of 21, a great place to have a drink and something to eat with your friends. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many pubs and restaurants have switched to delivery and take-out, but those listed below are all open for dine-in and take-out.

Local Pubs in Green Bay:

  • Hagemeister Park(920) 884-9909. Hagemeister Park in downtown Green Bay is a nice place to grab some food and something to drink while waiting for a shuttle to Lambeau Field. They offer catering off of their large menu. I suggest ordering the Firecracker Shrimp off the appetizer menu. Pictured above: Hagemeister Park installed outdoor igloos during COVID to keep customers cozy and safe. 
  • Legend Larry’s(920) 435-7000. If you’re in Green Bay and looking for a local favorite for chicken wings, try Legend Larry’s. With an array of award-winning sauces to choose from, Legend Larry’s boasts their chicken wings, which are always fresh and never frozen. I recommend their raspberry habanero sauce, especially if you’re looking for a bit of a fresh kick of spice.
  • St. Brendan’s Inn(920) 884-8484. An Irish pub in downtown Green Bay, St. Brendan’s Inn has an amazing menu of both classic Irish food and drinks.They have a bar seated area and a nicer dining room connected to the St. Brendan’s Inn hotel. I could not recommend the Castle Daly Lamb Shank more.

Local Pubs in Marinette: 

  • Mikey’s Twisted Plate(715) 330-5348. When I asked my local Marinette friend for the best pub in the area, she mentioned this place, and then she went on about it for over an hour. Mikey’s has amazing sandwiches, wraps, mac and cheese, soups, homemade bread, and more. Check out their Facebook to keep updated on their menu and dining hours. Currently, they only take reservations after four, and accept phone or online orders for carry-out throughout the day.
  • Pirate’s Cove(906) 863-3005. Located on 1st Street in Menominee, this pirate-themed pub with a waterfront view specializes in juicy burgers, sandwiches, and pizza, as well as a full array of appetizers.
  • Iron Works(715) 504-2000. This Marinette pub is locally famous for the sculpture on its roof that’s an homage to the iconic photograph, “Lunch Atop a Skyscraper.” It also boasts delicious wings, pizza, burgers, and sandwiches in a beautiful, old brick building on Main Street.
—Kira Doman, Business Editor, and Angel Wolske