Driftwood #41: Good Advice

February 9, 2024

Good Advice

Our advice columnist answers your burning questions about navigating life as a college student.

Dear LIFE,

I don’t have enough money to pay for food until I get my next paycheck. What can I do? I don’t want to live off popcorn and packaged noodles!

—Hungry in the Frozen Tundra

Dear Hungry in the Frozen Tundra,
Thank you for reaching out. Times are difficult for many people, and food insecurity need not be a concern for you on top of your studies and other life experiences. There are multiple ways you can find and get the resources you need so that popcorn is saved for movies and packaged noodles are a quick fix, not a permanent one! Let’s start with the important questions of WHERE? WHEN? WHO? HOW?:

UWGB has the Campus Cupboard & Clothes Closet centralized in Green Bay, but there are Campus Cupboards & Closets at all four locations. The Campus Cupboard mission is to provide an on-campus food pantry, clothing closet, and cleaning/personal hygiene product stock to ensure adequate basic needs are met for all students, faculty, and staff. All items are free for the taking. The Green Bay Campus Cupboard & Closet is open from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. on weekdays. The Marinette Campus Cupboard & Closet is open from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on weekdays..Take whatever you need at the Marinette Cupboard & Closet, which is divided between two rooms. The clothing is next to the Student Union in the Main Building (Room M-160), and the personal care and food items are in the Theatre building (T-139). The Green Bay Cupboard & Closet, located in Rose Hall 140, serves many more people and therefore limits visitors to up to two bags of groceries if you’re supporting one or two people, and two bags if you have a family of three or more.For other assistance with food insecurity, contact the Dean of Students Office: 920/465-2152, dos@uwgb.edu.In addition, you may be eligible for government SNAP food benefits.SNAP, the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, is a federal program that provides free nutritional food to persons in need. Be sure to talk to your financial aid advisor to see if you may qualify. For further information and guidelines, consult the USDA Food and Nutrition Service website page for students.Most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help. The faculty, staff, and your classmates at UWGB care, and we are a family that rises together!

Yours sincerely,

Carol Wilson, Advice Editor

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