Stream water testing

Photo memory 22 - Stream water testing
This photo shows two men crouched beside a stream conducting water tests. One is wearing a large backpack and there appears to be a footbridge in the distance. Can you share any information about what’s going on in this photo? Tell your account in the comment field below.
The person with the backpack is indeed me. It was a photo taken at Mahon creek on campus. It was to be used in advertising for the summer session. That Summer (1972?) I was teaching Wilderness Ways.
The other person may be Tom Abels. It is someone who was going to teach a Summer session course that summer.
Dr. Starkey, Glad to see you responded and confirmed the picture. Hope all is well. By the way, I did want to let you know that I indeed continued on in those messy areas past Organic Chemistry; spent over 20 years with a major global pharmaceutical company. I really enjoyed the challenge and opportunity you and UWGB provided. I encourage future students to dream as big as they can possibly imagine because frankly, it actually can become reality well beyond what at a young age you can even conceive. Thank you!
I think the guy crouching might be Dennis Bryzinski (not sure of spelling).
There is a Dennis Brzezinski who graduated in ’73 with Communication and the Arts. Would that be who you’re thinking of, Tom?
The guy with the large backpack further up the shoreline is Dr. Ron Starke. He was my Organic Chemistry professor. I also ran the lab sections for him after I had taken the two semester class. He was also my sponsor professor for a trip I took with the school to London during the Interim semester. He wanted me to carbon date pigeon droppings on London statues but I finally talked him into a project on Energy Reserves and worked with Lord Cromwell in London at the the peak of the “energy crises”. Dr. Starke was a real solid Organic Chemist, very environmentally oriented, and probably working on water testing methods in the picture. He gave me grief for choosing to head toward biochemistry as he said it way to hard to do good research on real chemistry in that kind of messy soup of a system. LOL