Alumni Spotlight – Elexis Myslik
In this edition of the Alumni Spotlight, we highlight Elexis (Lex) Myslik, one of many fine teachers who works daily to shape the future of our youth. Name and Grad Year: Elexis (Moody) Myslik,...
In this edition of the Alumni Spotlight, we highlight Elexis (Lex) Myslik, one of many fine teachers who works daily to shape the future of our youth. Name and Grad Year: Elexis (Moody) Myslik,...
Here’s to another personally and professionally successful alumna, Amy Anderson. Thank you for all you do for the Green Bay Community! Again, our alumni are the best!!! Name and Grad Year: Amy L. (Murto) Anderson...
Hello UW-Green Bay Alumni! This week we are featuring a young doctor who received her undergrad from UWGB. Is there any career we alumni don’t work in…we think not. Name and Grad Year: Lisa R. Shefchik...
This week we spotlight an alum who earned his degree through our Adult Degree program. Kudos to Bryan for not only attending college during a very busy time in his life but for also...
Week number three and another fantastic alumni to spotlight…Meet Mary Frank-Arlt, a smart young leader and super involved alumna working right in the Green Bay Community! Thank you Mary, for proving yet again how awesome UW-Green Bay alumni are! You make...
Hi Alumni! Here’s our second addition of the “Alumni Spotlight”. Wow, do we have a lot of people to be excited about…Danny is definitely one of them!!! Name: Danny Schulz ’05 Major(s): Accounting and...
Starting today we will post a weekly “Alumni Spotlight” showing off a fabulous, remarkable, awesome, wonderful alum! We start with Kris Cunningham. We like her a lot and you will too… Name: Kris (Kuehl)...