Author: Kimberly Vlies

Photo memory 56 - University Bookstore c.1987

Bookstore c.1987

This photo, dating back to 1987, shows four students shopping in the university bookstore when it was located in the plaza level of the Cofrin Library. Please share any comments or memories this photo...

Photo memory 55 - Aerial view of campus from the Bay of Green Bay

Aerial – the Dock of the Bay

This is an aerial photo of campus taken from over the waters of the Bay of Green Bay. As your eye follows the dock to the shore, you’ll notice canoes on the grass near...

Photo memories

Photo memories

Don’t miss the latest images posted in Photo Memories, a vintage photo series in which we invite visitors to help identify photos and share memories. A new photo is posted nearly every day, so...

Photo memory 52 - Students Dancing

Students Dancing

In the photo above, students dressed in jeans and tie dyed t-shirts are engaged in what could be a contemporary dance. They’re intertwined reaching their hands forward to make contact with another other of...

Photo memory 51 - Cafeteria, possibly in Environmental Sciences

Cafeteria Scene

Above is a photo of a cafeteria scene. (Possibly in the Environmental Sciences building?) Does this photo invoke memories? Can you identify the who, what, when and where of this snapshot? Please share in...