Improvement in US Air Quality

The largest reason the united states air quality has improves so well over the past years is due to the Clean Air Act of 1970. The EPA has set national standard to try and improve the air quality. Due to the Clean Air Act was set into place to decrease the pollutants it has also affected the air quality that the United states has. In a Report form the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) our air quality has improved. Over the course of twenty-seven year the united states have had large growth in our economy and the population has increased. With a larger population we are driving more miles then in 1990 and using a lot more energy. With this increase in all this people believe that the quality of air in the united states will decrease. Out of all the six major pollutants all are under the national standards the only standard that is being watched closely is the Ozone (O3). The O3 is riding the national standards line. While we do see a decrease there is some inaccuracies seen through, thee data. The EPA had set up the monitors in only urban areas and they only take samples every three days. I think that a way to keep our air quality good and the proper standard that have been set we need to be taking samples from both urban and rural areas. This will give the EPA even more information. With more information he can keep changing the standard have regulate more of the pollutants that we put in the air to continue ensuring that the air quality in the United States continues to improve.

– Eleanor Bingheim

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