How to Get More Involved as an English Major at UW-GB

A lot of being an English major is working through solo assignments and writing projects, and if any of you are anything like me, you know that sometimes this can feel a bit isolating. One great way to combat this is by actively looking for ways to get involved within the English community here at UW-GB. In my first year, I know that I was a bit lost on where to get started, and how to feel more involved within groups in my major, especially considering I attend the Sheboygan Campus, and don’t have access to a lot of the perks that the main campus does. Because of this, I wanted to compile a list of different ways for students to become more involved as an English Major.

Sigma Tau Delta
UW-Green Bay’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, which is also part of the International English Honor Society is a great way to get a start at building connections within UW-GB’s English department. This group hosts book clubs and discussions on literary topics, and they do a lot to engage with the community as well, like hosting book drives or open mic events for students. There is a one-time fee of $45 to join this community, but in doing so you gain access to all sorts of different scholarship programs, and potential internships, and many members say that this group has helped them find a job in their field after graduation. If you’re looking for a way to build up connections for your future career and looking to make friends with more English-minded individuals, this group is worth checking out.
Visit UW-GB’s English Get Involved Page to contact them and learn more information.

Sheepshead Review
Sheepshead Review is an Arts and Literature Journal published in the fall and spring by the students of UW-Green Bay. They receive international submissions but love to receive submissions from students as well. The journal publishes work from all levels of experience, whether you’ve got multiple published works or none, and it’s also free to submit. If you’re an aspiring writer and looking to build up your portfolio, submitting work to them is a great way to involve yourself with the writing community at UW-Green Bay. Also, the journal is typically free to pick up at all the UW-Green Bay Libraries, and I highly recommend exploring the writing our peers are putting out into the world. Last semester’s publication had some amazing works within it, and it’s vital to support one another when part of a creative community.

Northern Lights Literary and Arts Journal

Northern Lights is another journal published by our English department, but the cool thing about this journal is that it’s only open to submissions from UWGB students, faculty/staff, and alumni. The journal is published once a year in the late spring. If you’re looking to get more involved with them, sign up for ENG 224: Practicum in Literary Publishing: Northern Lights to join the editorial staff. This class is point-to-anywhere on Zoom and in person on the Marinette campus, so becoming a student editor is a great way to meet people from all four UWGB locations, as well as a great way to gain experience if you’re looking to work within publishing one day.

Build Your Resume and Find an Internship:
The UW-GB Creatives internship is the first I’ve held through the university, and so far, it’s been an amazing opportunity. It’s helped to make me more aware of all the different events the UW-Green Bay hosts for English majors, expanded my writing community, and helped me learn how to better market myself and my writing skills, which is a major part of building a creative career.
There are many ways to find an internship through the university. I was offered mine after taking a class with Professor Rysavy, and I believe this can happen while taking other English courses as well. There are also typically many listed on the English department’s webpage, and if you download Handshake and build up your profile there, there is a good chance you will be offered some as well.
Becoming involved and building up your resume and portfolio while in school are great ways to help better your chances of finding a job after graduation. Joining internships also allows you to gain more perspective, gain friends, and build up relationships with industry
professionals as well.

LGBTQ Lit Book Club
There is an LGBTQIA+ Book Club on the Green Bay Campus, and they have the option to attend virtual meetings via Teams. Joining the group allows people to explore books with LGBTQ themes, characters, and authors. In our polarizing political climate, and with all the targeted discrimination seen towards members of the LGBTQ community, joining is a great way to promote awareness of these issues, and read more about LGBTQ characters, themes, and authors. The group is completely open to anyone who wants to join, whether you are part of the community, an ally, or anyone in between.
Visit UW-GB’s English Get Involved Page to contact them and learn more information.

I hope some of the information here is helpful and allows people to gain more knowledge about getting involved, whether they attend on campus or not. Community is a critically important part of everyone’s college experience, and we all need to take advantage of as many of the opportunities available to us on campus during our short time here at UW-GB.