Faith Klick

Good morning everyone! Today our graduating senior is Faith Klick! She is originally from Wild Rose, WI and will be double majoring in Musical Theatre and English Literature. Here’s a little bit more about Faith!

What was your favorite course?

Shakespeare or Literary Topics: Love and Seduction with Dr. Ransom

What was one thing you learned that really stuck with you?

It’s okay not to know everything. A professor doesn’t expect you to have all the answers when you walk into the classroom. That’s why we come to college and why we’re students.

How do you feel about graduating during the pandemic?

Honestly, a little nervous. There aren’t many opportunities out there right now because everything is shut down. That being said, I’m really hoping to create opportunities for myself.

What will you miss most about UW-GB?

I’m going to miss the community feeling this campus and its inhabitants create.  This place has become my home.

What was most memorable about your senior year outside of the pandemic?

The most memorable things for me were being a part of multiple online theatre productions.

Do you have any plans after graduation?

I plan to move to Chicago once the country starts to open up again.

Any advice for future graduates?

Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Go after what you want and celebrate who you are because you only get to experience undergrad once.

From all of us here at Widows and Orphans, congratulations and good luck in your future, Faith!