The goal of the trip is to learn from experiencing how the bounty of nature can help feed our bodies and minds. In Paris we will discover how gardens and parks help reduce the stresses inherent in urban life in big cities such as this.  In Nice, we will walk by the Mediterranean Sea and feel the benefits of moving water and taste the food that comes from the sea to the table.


  • What Courses: Nutritional Science (NUT SCI 499)/Psychology (PSYCH 499)
  • Program Dates: May 17, 2020 – June 1, 2020
  • Professors: Deb Pearson & Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges

Want to know more?

  • Check out the website
  • email Georjeanna:
  • Come to an Informational Session:
    • Thursday November 21 5:00-5:30pm in MAC 109
  • Come to a Drop-In Informational Session:
    • Wednesday December 4 11:00am-12:00pm in the World Unity Room A (in the Union)