1. 4When will you graduate? Spring 2016
  2. What are your career plans? Obtain a Ph.D. in Neuroscience
  3. Why did you major in psychology? Being able to understand the complexity of human behavior has always fascinated me.
  4. What do you do for fun? Hang out with friends and play sports.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? Being admitted into the Summer Research Opportunity Program at the University of Iowa.
  6. What’s your favorite movie, book and T.V. show related to psychology? Movie: Shawshank Redemption, T.V. Show: The Mentalist, Book: Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely
  7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? Before I graduate, I would like to be admitted into a graduate program.
  8. What else do you want people to know about you? I’m not sure that there’s anything that I want people to know about me particularly. I would like to share one of my favorite quotes: “Once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you got through because you’re going to be a totally different person than the one who walk in—but that’s what the storm is all about.”