Alumn11. When did you graduate? I graduated in 2010.

2. What do you do now? I play a lot of roles in my life right now! I started a business with my husband in 2010 that serves students (high school and college) and businesses in their personal and professional development. We offer incredible workshops and trainings that I believe are truly life changing. He’s a UWGB grad as well (from Arts Management). I’m technically the Director of Client Services for our company, but as anyone who runs their own business will tell you, I pretty much take on any role that’s currently necessary to fill, from accounting, to marketing, to sales analytics! I had always planning to go on to grad school for psych, but about 2 years ago, I came to realize how much I would love to be a Certified Nurse Midwife. So, I’m currently enrolled in a 2nd degree program to get my BSN, with plans to ultimately become a Nurse Practitioner, with a certification in midwifery. I’m also a momma to two incredible kids, and love this stage of parenting!

3. Why did you major in psychology? I have loved psych so much, for most of my life! I love the thought and science that goes in to understanding how people relate to each other and their world, and I love that this is something we can literally measure and gain further understanding on with scientific procedures!

4. What do you do for fun? I love to read! I love to be outside, so I spend a lot of time hiking or playing outside with my family. I also love to cook and experiment in the kitchen- and that’s something I get to enjoy just about every day!

5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? Quite a few. UWGB’s psych program and their incredible faculty offered me opportunities I wouldn’t have had access to at many other programs. I got to be an RA for an incredible professor for 2 years, and truly enjoyed the rigorous work of doing quality research, and being published! I also really loved being a TA- teaching in that respect was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.

6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show, related to psychology? Oh my gosh! There’s too many! I love the book Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness, and the tv show Nurse Jackie (a great look at addiction). Also, guilty pleasure- Private Practice- there’s a psychologist on staff, so it counts!

7. What an important goal or accomplishment you are currently working on? I guess my nursing degree! It’s a lot different than psychology, but I feel that my coursework is really informing my approach to this in a unique and practical way. I am so excited to serve women in their healthcare- to meet them where they are, offer holistic approaches to serve them and their families best, and learn best practices in support in all areas mental, physical, and emotional. A midwife is a partner in a woman’s health for the long term, and that is something that pairs incredibly well with psychology and human development!