
This past week all of the TA’s gave part of a lecture to the class. I thought all of the TA’s did a great job considering how nervous we were. I think overall I did pretty good there are a few things now that I would like to change, but for my first time talking to 200 students I think I did well.

There were a few changes I would make if I were to ever give another lecture. I forgot to grab the slide changer remote which lead to the students having to catch up on the notes I would make sure that next time I grab it and make sure I switch the slide so students can write them down. I would have also moved around more. I did walk around a little bit but not as much as I  would have liked to. In my lecture I would have also liked to have discussed more of the causes of each disorder. The students seemed really interested in OCD so it would’ve been nice to have a little bit longer clip to go with it to increase discussion too. I also wish I would’ve done more interacting with the class I asked a few questions but I wish I would’ve done more.

There were things that I thought went well in my lecture. I thought that I had good timing I’m pretty sure I was done right around six minutes. It seemed like the students were pretty interested in the topics perhaps that was just because I was first but it was nice to see that they were very attentive. I answered the students questions which I thought was really good and it was nice that they had questions.

The lecture went better than I thought it would I guess I was just nervous especially about going first, but everything worked out! I do find it interesting that it is easier for me to give reviews compared to giving a lecture I’m not sure why this is but it’s something for me to try to remember that talking to a smaller group is the same as talking to a larger group.

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