Moving Along: Day 3

Right away today, I had to address an issue.  Though this is not a major concern, I was not sure how to respond to his answer he gave me.  What had happened was I noticed while handing out the ERLP handouts, that one of the students was on their computer.  I had approached them, and mentioned that computers are not allowed in the class, and his response was that he had to do something and he would put it away when it was done.  Typically this would not be an issue, but his tone of voice made me defensive.  I believe that I did very well however, in addressing the student, but wonder if perhaps there was another approach I could have made so that he did not respond in a way that would make me feel defensive, or perhaps in response to his answer I could have asked what was so important that could not wait until after class?

Other than the above issue, and the problem with the wireless microphone, there did not appear to be too many other problems on our end (professor and TA’s).  Since Dr Gurung was able to use the microphone when he was up front as well as his voice that carries well across the entire lecture hall, I believe he did an excellent job.  Also, the common sense activity also had a great reaction from the students.  They seemed amazed that many of the “common sense” statements that they have heard are actually false!

Following the common sense activity, I began observing the students.  I noticed that several of the students do not take notes.  Though they may not have been taking notes, many of them seemed to be paying attention to the lecture, but I noticed one student in particular that was texting throughout the entire class period instead of paying attention.  Other than this one student, it started me thinking about how these students that do not take notes, yet pay attention study and review material for exams (other than obviously reading the book perhaps?).  I know that there are things that I do not write down during class, but I am still able to recall outside of the classroom setting, but to recall an entire class period without writing down anything would cause me problems down the road on exams.  I wonder if perhaps these students just do not care, or perhaps they have very good memories that allow them to still remember the material covered in class.

Another thing I noticed was it seemed like the students missed a lot of the definitions that Dr G covered in lecture.  If it wasn’t written down on the powerpoint, it seemed like they did not write down any of the examples or definitions covered today.  Perhaps this is because many professors will have the definitions written down on the screen, or maybe they already have this written down from notes while reading (though I do not really believe that all the students have done this, though it would be nice to think this).  We will find out however once the review sessions and study tables begin.

Which brings me to my last topic for the day.  Friday will be the first study table.  I am very anxious to see how this goes (as Martha and I will be there).  I hope to see several students come with questions, and I hope to be able to help these students and answer the questions they have.

Okay, I bluffed a bit.  I have one last note.  Today I received my first question via email, and I was able to answer the question!  This made me much more confident!  I can not wait to see what Thursday will bring, as this will be the TA’s first experience in front of the class!

Until then!

Published by

Rebecca McCabe

Hey! My name is Rebecca McCabe (but you can call me Becca). I am a junior at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, with a double major in Psychology and Human Development. Once I graduate from UWGB, I plan on attending graduate school for Counseling Psychology in hopes of one day becoming either a school counselor or a counseling psychologist (either way I want to work with kids). I am a member of Psi Chi and Phi Eta Sigma. I hope to be more involved with these two organizations than I have in previous semesters. I am looking forward to this semester as I am very excited about all of my classes! If you want to know more, just ask!

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