End of Week One: Observations from the Back Row

As I am on a roll with writing after emailing my pod, I thought I would write down a few thoughts I had during the second class.

Perhaps it was because of the location I was sitting on the first day of class (in the front of a class of over 200 students), but on the second day of class I felt I was able to notice much more than I was on the first day.  Even though I may not have been able to directly see what the students were doing, I felt like I could better observe their reactions to Dr. Gurung and the material he was presenting.

Dr. Gurung never fails to amaze me with recalling students’ names (especially when not really being introduced to any of them).  I think he also surprised a number of the students.  This is one of the things I truly wish I could master, because it shows the students that you truly want them to succeed by at least attempting to get to know their names.  I also think this encourages the students to approach him with questions as well as to interact with discussion in class.

A few notes about things some students may find distracting.  I know I found it slightly distracting when Dr. Gurung moved around items that were in his way while walking around.  Though this may not be avoidable (as if it is in his way, he has to move it), I found myself easily distracted by what he was doing instead of listening to what he was talking about.  This is probably more just of something that distracts me (as I can be easily distracted in a class), but its something that I thought I would address.

I found the way Dr. Gurung divided up the class to be interesting, and probably one of the best ways considering the class size, and a way to get them introduced to other students (rather than just those they know and are sitting right next to).  Though it was a bit complicated and time consuming, it was probably one of the most reasonable ways to divide up for group activities.

All in all, I believe that the first week was a great success!  I can not wait to see what this second week has to offer!

Published by

Rebecca McCabe

Hey! My name is Rebecca McCabe (but you can call me Becca). I am a junior at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, with a double major in Psychology and Human Development. Once I graduate from UWGB, I plan on attending graduate school for Counseling Psychology in hopes of one day becoming either a school counselor or a counseling psychologist (either way I want to work with kids). I am a member of Psi Chi and Phi Eta Sigma. I hope to be more involved with these two organizations than I have in previous semesters. I am looking forward to this semester as I am very excited about all of my classes! If you want to know more, just ask!

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