“Day” after exam

Dr G. made a comment to the TA’s at the beginning of class about how usually there are less students in attendance after an exam, but I noticed that there did seem to be less in attendance, but not a significant amount.

Perceptions is my favorite chapter!  Using actual examples I believe is a great way to get the class interested and excited about what they are learning.  Plus it adds another way for them to remember something.

One final thought before packing up the laptop and heading to sleep.  I was looking around the classroom the other day, and glancing at the students’ notes.  I would be interested to see if there is a difference in the quality of notes based on their class year (junior vs freshmen).  I wonder if with more experience they become better at taking notes, or if because this is an introduction class that can be taken for a general education course, if the upperclassmen would be less likely to take good notes.  I also wonder what would cause variations in the quality of notes, as well as who takes better notes.

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Rebecca McCabe

Hey! My name is Rebecca McCabe (but you can call me Becca). I am a junior at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, with a double major in Psychology and Human Development. Once I graduate from UWGB, I plan on attending graduate school for Counseling Psychology in hopes of one day becoming either a school counselor or a counseling psychologist (either way I want to work with kids). I am a member of Psi Chi and Phi Eta Sigma. I hope to be more involved with these two organizations than I have in previous semesters. I am looking forward to this semester as I am very excited about all of my classes! If you want to know more, just ask!

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