A Big Week

This week was a week full of demonstrations and anticipation of the first exam.  Tuesday was focused on the brain, and more specifically interesting studies that focus on the brain and how it works.  Dr. Gurung focused on Valentine’s Day and did a special lecture on attraction and how the brain works when there is attraction.  The lecture clearly related the information in the textbook to real world situations, and was also fun additional information for the students to know.  On Tuesday, there was a group activity which was different because it was on a Tuesday, and I believe the activity went really well.  As I walked around, I did noticed that one man whom did not want to participate in the last group activity was discussing answers with his group.  It did not last long, but I did hear him talk to his group!  Secondly, I had a few questions without asking the groups how everything was going, and there were more questions after I opened the door and asked.  After looking at the group activity and reading the Teaching Tips chapter, I immediately associated the activity with the problem-based learning chapter.  The activity itself had a strong association with the student population, and although slightly unrealistic it was still a probable story.  As the Teaching Tips text states, information received in a problem-based learning approach is more likely to be remembered and appropriately used later (such as on an exam….).

Apart from the class participation exercise on Tuesday there were a few other aspects that I noticed during class.  First, I noticed that Dr. G walked around the entire classroom and called on participants equally from the entire room.  Secondly, Dr. G also called out the individual that was tardy (one of the 5…) and made a point to show the class that it was not acceptable, and that he noticed it.  I also noticed a lot more whispers or extra conversations on the right side of the room, which is where I was sitting.  Because of the smaller section, it was easy to point out exactly whom was talking, and it was the same two groups every time.  Also, attendance was around the same as it had been the past two class periods, including those that came in late.

Thursday was a big day for the TA’s.  We had our neuron demonstration.  The demonstration itself went really well, I think that our extra meetings and extra preparation helped to make the demonstration run smoothly.  There were a few points that I thought may have had a different impact.  First, we each looked for a volunteer before the class period, this was to ensure that we had enough volunteers, and to remove the awkward time attempting to get volunteers.  Although this helped to start the demonstration more efficiently, I think that if we would have asked for volunteers it would have instantly grabbed the students attention, and helped to better introduce that we were doing a demonstration and what the demonstration was about.  Although there may have been more lull time before the demonstration started, just as there was the way we did it, I think it may have grabbed the students attention more.  Personally, the demo was a change of pace for me and my personality.  In group activities or projects I prefer not being the leader, and given the choice, I will always choose against it.  In activities that have no well defined leader, or really no need for a leader, I struggle with the lack of direction and feel more pressure to voice my opinion.  Knowing there were many different strategies for completing the demo, I was brainstorming ideas before we decided to have a group meeting, knowing that there was a chance that no one would have a strong opinion either way.  Although we all have strong personalities and strong ideas, and I am sure without my prior brainstorming, or if no one came with other ideas, the demo would have gone just as well, it is just something I realized about myself. 

Along with our demo in class, class was shortened on Thursday.  Even though Dr. G clearly sent out an e-mail telling the students that there would be time for those who wanted to leave had the ability to during class, attendance was down.  I expected attendance to be down, but was still hopeful that if given the opportunity to leave they would still come to class.  Dr. G also did a really good job of pointing out exactly what parts of the brain needed to be known for the exam, but did not go into depth.  He is placing a lot of trust into the students ability to understand what they are reading, or to ask questions about what they do not understand.  It will be interesting during the review session to see if the students are really doing their readings and comprehending what they are reading.

I am looking forward to the review session on Tuesday, although I am quite nervous.  I feel that although I will prepare for the session, I will not be fully prepared.  I am also hoping that I have a room full of compliant, thought-provoking, interested students, and hopefully no mischief makers!  I am also excited to further the connection with my pod, as I have received no questions thus far, and I hope that they realize they can contact me with any questions they may have.

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