Week 7 before Spring Break March 10th & 12th:

Harlow’s Monkey Study:

                I have seen a lot of video clips on this particular study, but the monster toy video clip was something that I have never seen before. This was a good choice to use in case there are other students who have seen and learned about Harlow’s study. The information on this part of the study was new to me and I really never heard much about what happened to the Monkeys later in their life and after this attachment study was complete.

Daycare Harmful?

                Not a question many of us think about until we ourselves have children and face the stay at home or daycare dilemma. The answer is: 4 infants to 1 care provider and 6 toddlers to 1 care provider. It makes sense that children develop better social, language, and cognitive skills through the means of daycare interaction. A lot of students with children added more interesting feedback such as the exclusive mother, she did everything for her child and she learned that her son could do things that she thought he was incapable of doing. Good stuff to know for the not so distant future.


                The example given about classical conditioning was nice (scary movie and Calvin Klein examples) but the texting example was purely genius! Definitely something the class has been conditioned to do: Professor walks in direction, cell phones and hands are instantly out of sight. And the students thought that professors wouldn’t notice this obvious behavior.

Last class before break:

                Wolf-man has been in class on time all this week so the public message seemed to have sunk in. Going back to conditioning; the example used to get rid of text anxiety is a really good application of the conditioning and most useful for those students struggling with this type of anxiety – I know that a lot of our students told me about their terrible anxiety over the first exam.

                Thought that the extra points for being in today’s class was very appropriate and reinforces good behavior (fighting the break urge and going to class). The video at the end of class (I have seen it many times before from my friends but never realized the conditioning aspect) was a great bang to end class with… I believe I heard some claps from the class after that video – very amusing.   

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