
Over the last 8 days a lot has been covered and switched up. I think that switching things up really helps to keep people attentive. More people are more likely to show up if there are random assigned assignments.

Overall the attendance has been at a steady 200-215. Dr. Gurung is still doing an awesome job keeping people involved. He is still calling on them in class and getting people to raise their hands.I think it was a good idea to go over the Super Size me assignment. It helps clarify things for the students and it was a chance to go over independent and dependent variables and the difference between correlation and experiment again; hopefully making it more clear and concrete.On the 17th the demonstration went excellent. We got our volunteers quick and got them set up very quickly. Dr. Gurung stated that we did have a 60 second period where we ignored the audience but it was quick enough that it did not cause any problems. During that time we were explaining the demonstration to our volunteers then we explained the demonstration to the audience. I think it made it easier on the volunteers to hear it first. I know some of them were very nervous.During our meeting we had a good talk about the online exam, that the chance of cheating is almost diminished by how the test it set up. I think it will go over very well. People cannot compare questions and they do not have time to look up answers in the book. I am excited to see the scores on the test to see if the students are really getting the material.The review session is on Tuesday. I am a little nervous about it, having to try to control my own students. I am hoping it is going to go well and that the students actually try to benefit from it. Getting involved helps you learn the material.Let’s hope for a good exam week!

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