1st Day of Classes

Going into today I was a little nervous. I was not quite sure how everything was going to go. I took my intro to psych class at a different school and was not exactly sure what Dr. Gurung’s teaching style was.

One thing I think Dr. Gurung did well was breaking the ice. He made the class laugh and hopefully feel less anxious about the first day of this class. I also liked how he used personal experience to explain things. I know from my experience I have an easier time remembering things if I attach meaning to it. They may not have learned much today but they took the basics because there was meaning attached to it. I also like how Dr. Gurung put a lot of the responsibility on the students. He laid the guidelines down of how to get a good grade. All the students need to do is put in the effort. I think this will help the students realize that their grade solely depends on them.  Taking their picture and using their names was another great ice breaker. It made them feel more like an individual rather than a 250 person mob, which is seen as very important in the Teaching Tips book. Overall Dr. Gurung did a great job “breaking the ice.

Dr. Gurung also used the entire class period on the first day. According to the Teaching Tips book this shows that class time is valuable and should be used to its full potential. This also sets the stage for future classes. They know that class for the most part will last the entire time.

When explaining the textbook, Dr. Gurung pointed out many reasons why he picked this book. Such as the psychportal feature and that it is the most up to date book. He also stated that no book is perfect and that he will be giving even more up to date information throughout the semester. This can help engage serious students according to the Teaching tips book.

I think that the students reacted well to the lightheartedness of the room. I think they also liked the special attention they got.

One thing that went a little rough today was trying to get everyone take a seat in the actual seats and not on the floor. The students just kind of looked at us. The note cards were kind of confusing too. We thought they had to write their names on the note card but then they were used for something else later during the class period.

Most of my first days of class were short and boring. We just went over the syllabus and left. This can be good and bad in my eyes. It can set the wrong stage for some students who think they will always get out early. It can also make the first day a lot less stress free for both student and instructor. In my bigger classes my instructors have never tried to learn students by name. I think this is a total pro. It gives the students a voice. In all my bigger classes I always felt lost in the mob and never asked for special attention if I needed it. I think this special attention really benefits the students.

Overall I think that the first class period went well. I think that students were put on the right track for success in this class.

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