First day of the Spring Semester -January 27th, 2009-

Thinking about the components of the first day of class:

Playing music during the five minutes before class was a unique way to do, “last minute preparations” for the first day of class.  Playing music that had similarities or associated with the first day discussion was a great way to set the tone for the class. “T-5” gave the TAs time to become acquainted with one another and (for me at least) to settle my nerves and anxiety I had toward starting a new role as TA. I had a chance to talk with the TAs, which gave me a chance to vent some worries I had in my ability to be a TA (I certainly appreciated the heads-up on coming to class early for that reason). The five minutes before class is a critical time to set the tone and have everyone become oriented with the Intro. to Psych class, without it, I would feel as if the students would come into class expecting this course to be just like the rest, same old, just like any other class… not for this course! This Intro. to Psych course was out of the ordinary and the course’s unique situation justified the chance for Dr. Gurung and the TA team to come in and start off with a tasteful bang. I feel that this “bang” will make the class more memorable to the students and they will appreciate this unique class because it is unique, later on in the semester. I felt as if the students will have something to look forward to twice a week every week, and I know from talking with the students after class that they will enjoy this class immensely because it is unique. This approach to class with start us off in the right and focused direction meanwhile, the approach makes this class different from the rest but in a well-needed and great way.

Gurung vs. TA taking class photos:

I have so many mixed feelings toward class photos and it is always changing. I feel like students should proudly take the opportunity to meet with the professor and TAs, and take the time to become acquainted. However, I do know that not every student has that same perspective and I know with our desire to have a feeling of community in the class, it will be important for us to know names with faces. I really don’t feel as if picture will enable the students to not take the time to get to know the Gurung Team but I personally always felt (in this situation) as if the professor gets to know a picture and not the real me if I didn’t have the tenacity to meet my professor-therefore my mixed perspective stands. I know that this grants an opportunity for those introverted students to feel more known without the anxiety, work, and time of having the professor or TA recall your name during your (the student’s) presence. It was a good move for Dr. Gurung to have taken the students’ pictures in class because it shows the students that one: Dr. Gurung is showing effort in getting to know his students, two: students will appreciate this effort/time and for their name to be heard from their professor in/out of class, three: the students will be more serious and receptive to a professor taking the photo as opposed to a TA taking the photo, four: it gives Dr. Gurung a head start in remembering names,  and five: the time spent taking pictures gave the class time to meet other students and process the information given to them at that point in time. Some cons I potentially see are: what happens if the students don’t sit in that exact seat they sat in during the first day of class and what happens when we divide the class  into their TA groups (if that happens), how will the TAs know who their group consists off if there is no designated seating arrangement? How do we know if we captured everyone? How do we know if every student is comfortable having their picture taken (I don’t believe we made it an option)? It seemed to me that the pictures did not take up much time at all, and there was quite a bit of good material discussed by the time class was done.

Introductions of Dr. Gurung and the six TAs rolling into the Course intro.:

Introductions do take time, and I feel as if the background spent on the professor and the TAs was an appropriate amount. I feel as if it is important for the professor to spend a good amount of time on their history because it shows how much time and dedication you put into education and this in return shows how much respect the students should show toward you as the professor and on their own education. I feel as if the students will respect you more as a professor and give their best work out of respect for the class. Looking at the students during the introductions, most if not all of the students were more interested in learning about the professor’s background than the TAs backgrounds… with great reason; Dr. Gurung has a more interesting history than the TAs! Do not skimp on introduction, there is great interest coming from the students, it is important to share the past, and the connection between class and introduction was clearly made with the “Cute Baby” bit. I do not like the fact that there was pulling for Psi Chi, I know that it is related to the course, but it gets too preachy (and students may not want to hear it). Besides, Psi Chi is only open to those students who meet the org.’s criteria therefore it only applies to the individuals the org. notifies. If the org. was open to all students, then pulling can be done for the org. since it is not open, then the marketing should be directed to those who meet the org.’s requirements.  As for the bits related to the course: What is Psych about? Monkey/Camera bit, Why ?’s, Brad and Angie pics., Eating bit, and Conformity piece… all were very well done! As for the Conformity bit, I believe the follow-up video with Brian’s example made it comfortable or not so humiliating for the students who did conform in the activity in class. The exercises were all nicely done and first-hand examples of some of the intricate and variety of concepts they will be learning in this Psychology class.  As for the classroom etiquette: Not too whiney at all and if it is backed-up with related research results, the No laptop/phone use request is not too hard to ask (the actual course deserves respect too). I know as a student, I become extremely uncomfortable and annoyed when people sit near me and the pluck a way on their laptop… I cannot stand it and I believe the professor is doing a favor for the class community when they say, “No laptops or cell phones.”

Overall, I feel as if the first day class was well done (and I don’t think I need to restate it). There was a lot of thought, work, and effort put into the class to make it a perfect environment for learning. As done with the summary of three points and how to get good grades points made in class, all these points will make things run smoothly in class and provide a prime environment for learning. As I read in the “Teaching Tips” book, we should stress that it is important for everyone’s learning and for material retention, the readings should be accomplished prior to class (and this point can be supported with research. I never realized how important reading truly was until I read the T.T. chapter and I kind of wish my professors told me how important it was by giving research results, so I would actually appreciate reading instead of doing it because the teacher asked me to). Back to the class: The first day surprised me, I didn’t think students would even talk let alone come up to have a computer take their picture in class. This further supports the efforts and the time taken and needed in order to produce such results in class. Engagement on the first day means engagement will be accomplished for the entire semester. The students thoroughly enjoyed class and tell me so outside of class. This is going to be an enjoyable semester for all.