Being A Teacher’s Assistant

Hey everyone hope you all had a great break!  Wow I can’t believe how fast it has gone by. Like many students I don”t know if I’m ready to go back yet!  This semester will be my first being a teacher’s assistant. I’m already learning a lot of new things (such as how to do a blog). I’m only 22 but I have never been the type to blog so this is a new experience for me. Besides learning how to blog there are some other things that I’m looking forward to this semester. I have basically made a career out of being a student so I am looking forward to getting to see the professor’s perspective on things (such as exams, homework, students being late, excuses, etc) I think this will help me become a better student. I am also looking forward to learning how exams are made and how/why professors structure a class like they do.      

However I am a little nervous about some things too. I don’t like to speak in front of my peers especially when it is a large group, but I guess now I have to try to get over that fear. I also have never been a teacher’s assistant before so I have no idea what to really expect. Well these are just a few of the things that I’m looking forward to and nervous about. I’m going to get going but I’ll be blogging through out the semester.

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