Let The Semester Begin!!

Break being over is almost bitter-sweet. It will be a little challenging to get back into “school mode” but I am looking forward to the TA experience. I feel we will not only grow as students but as an individuals. As others stated, the thought of speaking in front of 200+ people scares the living day lights out of me but I’m sure it will be a memorable event as each of us tackle this and many other obstacles together. Not only does the thought of public speaking scare me but also the idea of being the same age (possibly younger) as the students and expected to be a mentor to them. It will be intimidating at first but I hope once I get the first week jitters out of my system I will have the confidence to go beyond my student thinking and into the teacher mind frame.

Throughout this process I am sure I will be forced out of my comfort zone and challenged to think in an entirely different way. I know there will be times when I may be confronted with a question or situation that I may not have an answer to but I will do whatever I can to find it or at least guide them in the right direction.

All in all I am ecstatic to begin this adventure to learn not only the role of an instructor but what makes an instructor good, how students learn, and what I’m able to offer to the overall experience.

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