Clean Air-Cool Planet (CA-CP) Fellowships are 10-week, full-time summer positions that pair excetionally talented students with challenging, real-world projects to advance innovative climate change solutions and leadership. Fellows are provided mentorship, networking opportunities and a stipend.
DEADLINE for accepting applications is February 24th!
The list of 2012 Fellowships is exciting and diverse, including the following:
- Haas Climate Fellowship: Climate Preparedness for Coastal New Hampshire Towns (NH)
- Lamprey Climate Fellowship: Charting Emissions from Food Services (CHEFS): Supporting Sustainable Decisions
- Impact of Climate Change on Population Dynamics of Emergent Pathogens (NH)
- Fostering Innovation in Financing State and Local Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiatives (CT)
- Using the Campus Carbon Calculator to Highlight Coal Dependence Impacts and Alternatives for Colleges and Universities
- Climate Preparedness for New Jersey – Data Directory (NJ)
- and more…
If you are or know a college student (upper-class undergrad or graduate) looking for a challenging and rewarding summer experience, for details about the projects and applications process, please visit HERE.