New RWHC “Men in Rural Nursing” Task Force/Roundtable

RWHC (Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative) has created a new “Men in Rural Nursing” Task Force/Roundtable to meet RWHC Logoquarterly beginning January 22, 2016. Following the structure of RWHC roundtables, the group will begin operation as a task force to build its own agenda as well as work on advancing the directive of the Institute of Medicine to increase the gender diversity in the nursing workforce.

The group will come together to plan strategies to meet this goal, as well as supporting members in their work as rural nurses who are male. At the end of this initial year’s scheduled meetings, it will be determined if the group would like to continue as an ongoing roundtable.

It is hoped that results of the work of this group will be shared statewide through other RWHC clinical and administrative roundtables, and through the WI Center for Nursing (WCN) State Implementation Program (SIP grant) through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Please email Jo Anne Preston at if you or one of your staff would like to participate.

“Men in Rural Nursing” Task Force/Roundtable