The Last Word

lepakE-learning isn’t simply learning with technology, says Susan Gallagher Lepak, a Professor of Nursing at UW-Green Bay.

It is a process of teaching and learning supported by e-technologies that provides a structure for learning directed at impacting knowledge construction by the learner. “Students generate knowledge and meaning through interacting with content,” she says… “access content, think about it, negotiate meaning, apply concepts, communicate about it, etc… It’s an active process!”

It’s obviously a topic Gallagher-Lepak is passionate about, and as a faculty member heavily involved in teaching online courses at UW-Green Bay, it is why she chose to share, “E-Learning: The Train has Left the Station,” a topic of her choosing if she had only one final lecture left to give. She is the third of six UW-Green Bay faculty members taking part in the Last Lecture Series, a program which celebrates UW-Green Bay’s 50th Anniversary.

This entry was posted in 50th Anniversary News and tagged Last Lecture Series, Nursing, online learning on November 19, 2015 by Kimberly Vlies.