UW-Green Bay Nursing was in the limelight on Wednesday, November 18th. A video crew from The Post House were on campus in the Nursing Lab interviewing and filming nursing faculty and students for a video being created to promote the recruitment of nursing educators for the UW System. All six UW nursing programs are a part of this project, with leadership from the UW-Eau Claire nursing program. The video will contain a vignette of each nursing campus, and comments from nurse educators on the role and reasons for becoming educators. Funding for this project is through a University of Wisconsin System Incentive grant.
Significant shortages are projected in nursing faculty over the next 2 decades, according to the Wisconsin Center for Nursing (2013). A number of strategies have been proposed to address the potential faculty shortage to assure a sufficient supply of nurses for the future. A finished video is slated for January, and will be hosted in several different locations.