Wisconsin AHEC (Area Health Education Center) is delighted to announce an opportunity for health profession students: our 3rd annual Interprofessional Healthcare Case Competition!
This competition is designed for health profession students from any degree or discipline, at any Wisconsin university or technical college. Participation is open to all undergraduate and graduate students, to advance the goal that all students will gain first-hand experience and skills in Interprofessional education, collaboration and practice, by working with students from many other degree programs and health profession fields.
The application is open NOW; deadline is Sunday, October 4: Apply Online
How it works: students create a team of 4 to 5 students, with at least three different degrees/professions represented. Every team that applies will participate during the fall semester, with selected teams advancing to the final competition event in January. All student teams receive a copy of the case (every team receives the same case) and each team will conduct an analysis of interprofessional efforts during the care of a patient/client. All teams will submit a 3-page executive summary, one page budget and a PowerPoint presentation by December 9. During the week of December 14, at least one team from each WI AHEC region (a total of 9 teams across the state) will be invited to advance in the competition and present their case analysis to a panel of judges on the competition event date.
This year’s competition event is on January 7 & 8, 2016, at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. Wisconsin AHEC provides on-site lodging and meals for the 9 teams invited to present their case to the judges on Friday, January 8. Please forward promotional flyer on to anyone you think might be interested in the competition to help get the word out about this wonderful learning experience!