Toolkit Description:
Public health finance is a complex system involving funding streams, economic factors, and policy and political changes. This complexity along with the lack of transparency and the wide variation in local public health discretionary spending make it difficult to develop a “blueprint” for all public health agencies to embrace. Use of this toolkit can help students and PHN staff to better understand and employ principles which not only help make public health funding more transparent and appropriately focused, but also establish its relevancy to the overall health of the population.
The toolkit contains an overview of public health funding, grants as a source of revenue, sample public health department budgets, information about evaluating effectiveness, activities to illustrate funding allocation decisions, financial definitions, an annotated bibliography, and critical thinking questions.
The following link takes you to the toolkit:
Authors of the toolkit are:
Christine Vandenhouten, PhD, RN, APHN-BC, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Professional Program in Nursing
Tracy Mrochek, MPA, BSN, RN, The University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing
Jean M. Beinemann, BSN, RN, Sheboygan County Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health
Sandy Fryda, BSN, RN, Fond du Lac County Health Department
Linda Behm, MSN, RN, Waupaca County Department of Health and Human Services, Health Services Division
Judith M. Hansen, MS, BSN, RN, (Formerly, The University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing)
Don’t get me started. As a former public health advocate I totally agree. The Public Health Finance System needs to be restructured or should I say replaced with a simplistic module that all can easily comprehend. We’ve been advocating finance restructuring in New York State since 1983 – 2005 to no avail. My experience here has proven that there are powers that will simply resist any and every attempt to create transparency with the current system. And that’s as far as I willing to go at this point… Disgusted!
I can’t get the link to work as well. I’m really eager to see and try it.. Hope you would fix this anytime soon. This will be a big help for me.
We hope to have a new link to publish in the near future. As I explained earlier, Dr. Vandenhouten has been out of the office and recently returned to the area. Watch for future updates in our news.
Just saw Frances’ comment. Will contact Dr. V directly.
I can’t get the link to work to the toolkit. I am very interested since I teach community health nursing at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC.
I apologize for the problem with the link. It was working when we initially uploaded it. Dr. Vandenhouten is out of the office for 10 days. Please contact her directly after June 26 ( and she will be able to provide you with a working link.